Dear Ferreters,
1) It seems that "set viewport" changes the type of the time-axis labels.
Without "set viewport", I get J, F, M, . . . . for my climatological axis; with set viewport, I get JAN, FEB, MAR, . . .
2) Run the same script again and get different time-axis labels.
When I run the same script again, I get J, F, M, . . . !!! I don't have anything in my ~/.ferret .
Here is my script. It's self-contained and doesn't need external datafiles.
! --- try2.jnl ---
set data coads_climatology
define view/axes/x=0.5:0.9/y=0.1:0.8 myright
set view myright
fill/transpose/hlimits=22S:34S SST[x=180]
and you run it as
yes? go try2.jnl ! -> JAN, FEB, MAR, . . .
yes? go try2.jnl ! -> J, F, M, . . .
To get a stable result, I seem to always need
PPL txtype,YR,MON1
I used
PyFerret v7.6 (optimized)
Darwin 18.7.0 - 06/25/20
on macOS 10.15.7
for this test.