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Re: [ferret_users] modulo=0 ?

Hi Ansley,

Thank you for your clear explanation!

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 2:30 AM Ansley C. Manke <ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

 Probably what should instead be listed in the attribute is the actual length of the axis as defined.

I see.  That would increase the chance of compatibility with other software. 

  Note the "axis span" shown here - this is what is used in modulo calculations.

yes? define axis/t0=1-JAN-0001/calendar=noleap/edges/t=0:365/npoints=73\
     /units=days/MODULO pntd

[ . . . ]
   Axis span (to cell edges) = 365 (modulo length = axis span) 

       L     T                   TBOX      TBOXLO                TSTEP (DAYS)
       1>  03-JAN 12:00:00       5          01-JAN 00:00:00         2.5
       2>  08-JAN 12:00:00       5          06-JAN 00:00:00         7.5

Aha.  That makes perfect sense.  As usual, Ferret assumes the box centered about each gridpoint.  Thanks.

By the way, I've just noticed that Ferret doesn't include the point_spacing = "even" attribute or the cell-boundary variable (PNTD_bnds for the above example) in the output netCDF file for the above time axis.

Best regards,

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