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Re: [ferret_users] REPEAT leading to overlapping timestamps

Hi Ryo,

Thank you for reporting to the list -- as you say we've looked at it, and don't see an easy fix.  It happens only when the plots are in viewports. I have just a small addition to the examples.  In PyFerret, set a font with

set text/font=arial

or some other font name

On 5/20/2020 1:28 AM, Ryo Furue wrote:
Dear Ferret users,

This is to document a minor, known bug in Ferret and PyFerret, which seems to surface only very rarely.  It's already reported and confirmed. At present, it's not known when it will be fixed.  I also present a few workarounds we have found (Thanks to Ansley).

Suppose we have a Ferret script like this:
. . .
ppl dfltfnt TR
. . .
set view myview
. . .
repeat/L=1:3000 ( \
    . . . ; \
    fill . . . ; \
    . . .; \
    frame/file=image`L,zw=4`.png )

The timestamp on the image is eventually corrupted.  See the attached picture.  This happens only in some obscure situations. 

1) One workaround is to reset the viewport at each iteration:

repeat . . . ( \
    . . .
    cancel view; set view myview )

2) (PyFerret) Another workaround is to use a different font

ppl dfltfnt TR ! → something else

3) A third is to stop the iteration before the corruption happens:

pyferret -nodisplay -script plot.jnl       1 1000 !! image Nos.1–1000
pyferret -nodisplay -script plot.jnl 1001 2000 !! image Nos.1001–2000
. . .
(Breaking up the loop within a single pyferret session doesn't seem to fix the problem. Hence the multiple sessions as above.)

Best regards,

Ansley Manke
Science Data Integration Group
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle WA 98115

I am currently teleworking and am available Tue-Wed-Thu.

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