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Re: [ferret_users] MEMORY/SIZE= changes the result of SAVE

Hi, moin Ryo,

with early versions of pyferret memory usage was newly designed. There should be an old mail-thread on this. Having not enough memory, ferret just stopped computing and claimed to be ready. This became visible from sometimes obviously wrong results. This error was corrected. I suggest to check this with a recent version of ferret.



Am 15.12.2019 um 13:19 schrieb Ryo Furue:
Dear Ferret users and developers,

I seem to have stumbled upon a bug in Ferret 7.3 on Linux.  With the SET MEMORY command, one of the saved files is wrong:

set data usssfile.nc ! contains variable "usss"
set memory/size=300 !<<==
let u = usss[d=1]
save/clobber/file=tmp-u.nc        u[m=1:10@AVE]
save/clobber/file=tmp-usss.nc  usss[m=1:10@AVE]

If you delete the SET MEMORY command, the contents of the files are identical (as far as I can tell).  I don't see any error messages in either case.

Unfortunately the data file is not so small (412MB) and I'm not sure if it's worth spending time on trying to reduce the size of the datafile before asking here.

Is this a known problem?

In the meantime, I'll try to install the latest Ferret or Pyferret.

Best regards,
  FERRET v7.3 (optimized)
  Linux 2.6.32-696.13.2.el6.x86_64 64-bit - 12/04/17
  15-Dec-19 20:54

!=== my script to reproduce the bug ===
set data tmp-usss0500m-L600.nc

set memory/size=300 ! <- Delete this line
let u = usss[d=1]
save/clobber/file=tmp-u.nc  u[m=1:10@AVE]
save/clobber/file=tmp-usss.nc  usss[m=1:10@AVE]

!--- plot to see if they are identical ---
cancel var/all
cancel data/all
set data tmp-u.nc
set data tmp-usss.nc
plot/x=101W/y=4S:4N u[d=1], usss[d=2]

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