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Re: [ferret_users] PPL Shade

When all else fails, define multiple viewports with the same specs. Then each subsequent plot overlays the other without /OVERLAY and resulting potential for interference:

def vi/x=0,1/y=0,1 v1
def vi/x=0,1/y=0,1 v2

set vi v1
(first plot)
set vi v2
(second plot)

When I do this I first do a test leaving all the axes to be drawn and labeled so I can be sure that the overlays are truly consistent. (This method breaks Ferret's inherent checking for this). Then for the final plot remove all the later axes with PPL AXSET,0,0,0,0 (remember to revert this after).


> On Jun 25, 2019, at 8:04 AM, JoshAB1995@xxxxxxxxxxx <joshab1995@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Probably a simple solution but i can't find it in the documentation, apologies if I've missed it. 
> I am mapping 4 separate shapefiles using sha/overlay and each has a specific colour.
> Sha/pal=red SHAPEFILE
> Sha/overlay/pal=blue SHAPEFILE2
> ppl shakey
> ppl shade
> When trying to add a legend describing what each colour refers to i have to use shakey (i think, at least to have it nicely customisable but i am open to suggestions!). 
> However this forces me to use ppl shade, which resets the colours I've used for the figure and results in only my last overlay showing up.
> Any quick fixes for this one?
> Many thanks,
> Josh 

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