Dear all,
I am trying to glue a large amount of files using the aggregate
capability of ferret. The problem is the file list itself. The files are
ordered by a 4-digit number. So
ls -l wind_0*.nc
gives me 1000 file names,
ls -l wind_[0-2]*.nc
results in 3000 file names. All works well with up to 2000 file names.
In ferret:
yes? let file_list = SPAWN("ls -1 wind_0*nc")
yes? list file_list
gives the correct list and the aggregation works great as it should.
yes? let file_list = SPAWN("ls -1 wind_[0-2]*nc")
yes? list file_list
results in huge traceback and ferret quits.
yes? list file_list
*** Error in `/sw/data/python/miniconda/OS_42.3/2.7.15/bin/python':
free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007fcfbc746698 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
... several 100 similar lines from many other libraries in the miniconda
based python including a memory map and finally
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
line 482, in init
result = run()
line 887, in run
retval = libpyferret._run(str_command)
RuntimeError: etc
I have no idea, which limit or ulimit, (but it is not the stacksize)
could be violated. I have no idea how to produce this list in python
directly, to check if this a python or ferret issue.
in it crashs here:
# the actual Ferret function call
retval = libpyferret._run(str_command)
Is there eventually a limit in ferret itself?
Any hints would be very welcome.