is rainfall a unique function of elevation? Say, in one area you
have an elevation of 1000m and 1 kg /m^2/d precipitation.
Somewhere else you have the same elevation but no precipitation.
How should this be represented in your data set? So you cannot
simply define rainfall as function of height. What you could
define is the averaged (min, max) rainfall (over some area or
globally) averaged for all points in some span of height.
let rf_ave = rf[x=@ave,y=@ave]
would give the averaged rainfall for a height between 100m -
1000m. If you want to see (and plot) also the rain for other
values of elevation, just define more masks. Now indeed, it would
be best to edit an ascii table with the results for different
height spans and to read this later again with ferret for further
analysis or plotting.
On 5/27/19 1:21 PM, Pratik Kad wrote:
Thank you Satyesh for your kind
But, I wanted to save rainfall as a function of
elevation. I think
it would be better if we can take elevation on Z-axis,
Right? I tried something like this,
currently SET data sets:
1> ./ (default) name title I J K L MEAN_RAINFALL mean rainfall 1:360 1:180 ... ... TOPO etopo 1:360 1:180 ... ...
let mask = IF (TOPO GE 100 AND topo LT 1000) THEN 1 let rf = MEAN_RAINFALL*mask
Here, I got
only one level which is from 100 to 1000m. I
could not able to define that as a function of
K dimension.
Is it any possible way to deal with this situation. Please suggest.
If I am understanding correctly, you should do this
manually by listing each coordinates' rain and elevation
value to a text file and then reading it later.
Following are few steps:
(1) let m_rain=if mean_rainfall ge 0 then
mean_rainfall else (-1)
! To make bad values or missing values as -1. Later
use -1 as bad
(2) list/clobber/file=Elevation_rain.dat/nohead/form=(f9.3,x,f9.3,x,f9.3,x,f9.3,)
! ^ Last x and y are just to keep track of lat and
long in case required in future.
(3) Come out of ferret session and restart new
session and read the file by :
file/var=ele,m_r,lon,lat Elevation_rain.dat ; sh da ;
By this you can do rain vs elevation analysis.
I need to save
rainfall with respect to elevation. I tried with
masking by elevation (Etopo) data; also I faced
rang issue during visualisation.
How can I take z-axis as
elevation topography for rainfall parameter from
attached data?
Thanks in advance.