Did you try the scripts mp_graticule.jnl and mp_label.jnl
usage is go mp_graticule for grid lines
go mp_label xpos,ypos,centre, angle,size text
position is in world coordinates "centre" aligns the text
nuncio Nuncio Murukesh
National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Rlesearch Goa-403804 Ph:91 832 2525679 http://www.ncaor.gov.in/profiles/details/65 INTERNATIONAL ARCTIC WINTER SCHOOL The Arctic Ocean: atmosphere, ice and ocean interactions – implications for future climate and human activities http://iaws2018.ncaor.gov.in Click
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From: owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx <owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx> on behalf of Randye l Rutberg <rrutberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 20 October 2018 07:34 To: ferret_users@xxxxxxxx Subject: [ferret_users] orthographic map projection labels I am trying to label grid lines on an orthographic map projection with their latitude and longitude values. Can anyone instruct me as to how to do this? Thank you.
Randye L. Rutberg
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Hunter College
695 Park Ave
New York, NY 10065
ph: 212 772 5326
email: rrutberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
office: 1047 Hunter North