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Re: [ferret_users] multiple overlay plot issue


So long as the variables are all on valid calendar-time axes, that is each axis must have a time unit and time origin, then they should overlay correctly, without having to be on the SAME axis at all.   Also, of course, note that you want to use the @ASN regridding transformation only if that's the right transformation to use. It ignores any time encoding that there may be, of the data you're applying it to.

Try this example:

yes? define axis/t=1-jan-2010:31-dec-2012:1/units=days/t0=1-jan-2000 timeaxis
yes? let var1 =  cos(t[gt=timeaxis]/100)
yes? plot var1
yes? define axis/t=1-jan-2011:31-mar-2011:60/units=minutes/t0=1-jan-2011 thours
yes? let var2 = 0.5*sin(t[gt=thours]/8000)
yes? plot/over var2


On 8/11/2018 2:13 AM, Satyesh Ghetiya wrote:

   If I am understanding correctly, then you anyway are defining time axis correctly, but not using it. You are defining your required time axis as tyear , but you are not telling ferret that you want your variable on that time axis. Perhaps according to your requirement you may do
 let new_mean=tos_mean1[d=2,gt=tyear@asn,k=1,x=40E:100E@ave,y=20N:20S@ave]
 plot/ov/thick=2/col=2/nolab new_mean

You may go through Ferret manual for time axis definition and understand regridding of variable using time axis e.g. gt=tyear@asn etc.  

On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 11:36 AM, Swetha sivakumar <swetha.s2060@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 I am trying to do a time series plot with multiple overlay.  i initially have HadISST data for 40 years . And i want have 7 ensemble mean files each of 10 years. each of the 7file is of different time periods .
example first ensemble file is from 1960 to 1970, and the second is from 1965 to 1975, In this order the plot should overlay on the hadISST data and move forward. I am not getting a perfect overlay plot with the data ploted in its respective time period . i have attached the jnl file and the plot i am getting too.

G Satyesh,

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