I've looked into this further, and the use of overlay settings
doesn't allow me to reliably detect this case and return an
error. There are too many possible combinations of settings -
overlay vectors on another vector plot, or on a contour or shade
plot, etc. I've documented it however in the Users Guide.
On 3/5/2018 11:35 AM, Ansley C. Manke
Hi Ryo,
Interestingly, your script works as expected, if you add /OVER
to the second and third vector commands that are drawing the
/z=0:100/set mv,mw
ppl vecset,`samp_vec_in_`,`samp_vec_`
ppl vector,4,3
/z=94:300/set mv,mw
ppl vecset,`samp_vec_in_`,`samp_vec_`
ppl vector/ov,4,1
/set mv,mw
ppl vecset,`samp_vec_in_`,`samp_vec_`
ppl vector/ov,4,1
We seem to have a loophole, where those commands are doing all of
the scaling and setup as if you're plotting just their particular
subset of data as for a standalone VECTOR command, but then at the
last minute PPL VECTOR/OVER is drawing the plot as an overlay. I
think that the right behavior would probably be for Ferret to
refuse to do a PPL VECTOR/OVER if the original VECTOR/SET didn't
have /OVERLAY specified.
On 3/4/2018 5:09 AM, Ryo Furue wrote:
Dear Ferreters,
I overlaid multiple VECTOR/ASPECT plots of a single
velocity field and accidentally plotted the same vectors
twice. To my surprise they had different angles!
If you look at the arrows at z = 95.74 m in the attached
plot, the blue and red arrows are supposed to be identical
but they are very different. (The nearest data points are
at 84.2 m and 108.00 m, which are far enough from 95.74 m we
are looking at.) Both are plotted with ASPECT. The sample
script and data are also attached.
I also wonder about a totally peripheral issue. I
thought PPL WINDOW,OFF refers to the plotting area. But the
attached script and plot suggest that the window-edge
truncation is carried out according to the box of
x=X1:X2/z=Z1:Z2 rather than the axes. The blue arrows are
truncated at z=300m. I would think truncating graphics
elements at the edges of x= and z= isn't very intuitive.
I use
2.6.32-696.13.2.el6.x86_64 64-bit - 12/04/17
4-Mar-18 22:07
on a Linux machine.
!==== Sample script =============
set mode grat:dash
let fac = 1e3 ! velocity-length scale
define symbol y1_ 31S
define symbol y2_ 27S
let z2_ = 900
!go init-print
let samp_vec_in_ = 0.35
let samp_vec_ = fac/200
/z=0:100/set mv,mw
ppl vecset,`samp_vec_in_`,`samp_vec_`
ppl vector,4,3
/z=94:300/set mv,mw
ppl vecset,`samp_vec_in_`,`samp_vec_`
ppl vector/ov,4,1
/set mv,mw
ppl vecset,`samp_vec_in_`,`samp_vec_`
ppl vector/ov,4,1
!go finish-print try-vector-overlay 3 false
!=== END of script ====