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[ferret_users] improper grid or axis definition: inappropriate orientation for Z axis

Dear Ferret users,

I may be missing something but the attached script gives me

**ERROR: improper grid or axis definition: inappropriate orientation for Z axis

and I don't understand why. The most strange thing to me is that if you swap seemingly independent lines, the error goes away.

I'm using a rather old version of Ferret (Sorry!)
  FERRET v6.82
  Darwin 9.8.0 - 08/06/12

My OS is macOS 10.31.1 (High Sierra). The same thing happens on a very old mac (which seems to be from 2011 and whose kernel is 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:32:41 PDT 2011).

Best regards,
! Swap lines (1) and (2) and the error goes away.

let dept_ =  { \
 2.500000, 7.561558, 12.806275, 18.351244, \
 24.306158, 30.770624, 37.831699, 45.561745, \
 54.016659, 63.234489, 73.234489, 84.016663, \
 95.561745, 107.831696, 120.770622, 134.306152, \
 148.351242, 162.806274, 177.561554, 192.500000, \
 207.500000, 223.171860, 240.853607, 261.866058, \
 287.501678, 319.013458, 357.604279, 404.416565, \
 460.522644, 526.915588, 604.500610, 694.087585, \
 796.383789, 911.988220, 1041.386353, 1184.945801, \
 1342.913452, 1515.413452, 1702.445801, 1903.886353, \
 2119.488281, 2348.883789, 2591.587646, 2847.000732, \
 3114.415527, 3393.022705, 3681.916504, 3980.104248, \
 4286.513672, 4600.001465, 4919.366211, 5243.353516, \
 5570.671875, 5900.000000 \

define axis/z/depth/units=meters/from_data ts_zax = dept_ !--(1)--

define axis/x=0.05:359.95:0.1/units=degrees_east   ts_xax !--(2)--

define grid/z=ts_zax tmpgrid2

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