and I don't understand why. The most strange thing to me is that if you swap seemingly independent lines, the error goes away.
My OS is macOS 10.31.1 (High Sierra). The same thing happens on a very old mac (which seems to be from 2011 and whose kernel is 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:32:41 PDT 2011).
! Swap lines (1) and (2) and the error goes away.
let dept_ = { \
2.500000, 7.561558, 12.806275, 18.351244, \
24.306158, 30.770624, 37.831699, 45.561745, \
54.016659, 63.234489, 73.234489, 84.016663, \
95.561745, 107.831696, 120.770622, 134.306152, \
148.351242, 162.806274, 177.561554, 192.500000, \
207.500000, 223.171860, 240.853607, 261.866058, \
287.501678, 319.013458, 357.604279, 404.416565, \
460.522644, 526.915588, 604.500610, 694.087585, \
796.383789, 911.988220, 1041.386353, 1184.945801, \
1342.913452, 1515.413452, 1702.445801, 1903.886353, \
2119.488281, 2348.883789, 2591.587646, 2847.000732, \
3114.415527, 3393.022705, 3681.916504, 3980.104248, \
4286.513672, 4600.001465, 4919.366211, 5243.353516, \
5570.671875, 5900.000000 \
define axis/z/depth/units=meters/from_data ts_zax = dept_ !--(1)--
define axis/x=0.05:359.95:0.1/units=degrees_east ts_xax !--(2)--
define grid/z=ts_zax tmpgrid2