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Re: [ferret_users] Problem with symbol FERRET_MEMORY


Thank you for the report. This issue is fixed in the most recent Ferret release, v7.2.  Also please note that in Ferret v7.2 and higher, the memory management is handled differently than in earlier versions, see the MEMORY USE sections in the documentation. The SET MEMORY command is now an upper bound on memory that may be allocated, but it is not actually allocated until it's needed.

We will be releasing a Ferret v7.21 within the next couple of weeks. It addresses some internal memory allocation issues not directly related to the changes I mention above, so you might want to wait to upgrade your Ferret executable until that release.


On 8/28/2017 5:48 AM, Olivier Marti wrote:

When I run the command :

REPEAT/NAME=nn/RANGE=0:4 ( LET mem = `2000+100*nn` ; SET MEMORY/SIZE=`mem` ;  SAY `mem`: ($FERRET_MEMORY) )

I get :

yes? REPEAT/NAME=nn/RANGE=0:4 ( LET mem = `2000+100*nn` ; SET MEMORY/SIZE=`mem` ;  SAY `mem`: ($FERRET_MEMORY) )
 Cached data cleared from memory
2000: 2000
 Cached data cleared from memory
2100: 2100
 Cached data cleared from memory
2200: -2095
 Cached data cleared from memory
2300: -1995
 Cached data cleared from memory
2400: -1895

The symbol FERRET_MEMORY is false when memory is bigger than 2Gb (2048 Mb)

Annoying, as in a GO script I want to test the memory to avoid to reset it (and clean the cache) when it is big enough :


I've seen it  :
  FERRET v6.93
  Linux 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 64-bit - 11/13/14
  28-Aug-17 14:36

  PyFERRET v7 (opt)
  Linux 2.6.32-642.1.1.el6.x86_64 - 07/01/16
  28-Aug-17 14:44

  PyFerret v7.1 (optimized)
  Darwin 14.5.0 - 03/28/17
  28-Aug-17 10:26

will be very nice it that could be fixed in a future version.

Best regards, and happy Ferret to all,


Dr. Olivier Marti  - mailto:olivier.marti@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ  -  UMR 8212
Tel : +33 1 69 08 77 27 - Mob : +33 6 45 36 43 74
Fax : +33 1 69 08 30 73

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