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RE: [ferret_users] Putting a pseudo-variable on the J axis

Hi Pearse,

As Ryo suggested there are easier way to calculate volume transport through a wall.

I.e. if you want to calculate volume transport across 10N, between 60:90E and 0:300 m, then it may be represented as below:


Hope this may help,


sent from my mobile

On Aug 3, 2017 7:46 PM, "Pearse Buchanan" <pearse.buchanan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Ryo,


Your suggestion to use YSEQUENCE was great. It got the variable onto the J axis.


! Manually add the metres per y grid (taken from ocean model output)

let y_metres = ysequence({1.74779531E+05, …, 1.74779531E+05})



I then needed to go one step further and put the variable on the dimension I was interested in. Did this using:


! put it on the latitude axis from the tracer grid

let y_metres_j = y_metres[gy=tracer_grid@asn]



After that I could do all my calcs.



And, just for your curiosity, I was trying to calculate the volume transport through the face of each grid box in an ocean model using the u,v velocities.




From: Ryo Furue [mailto:furue@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, 3 August 2017 11:29 PM
To: Pearse Buchanan <pearse.buchanan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: ferret_users@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] Putting a pseudo-variable on the J axis


Hi Pearse,


I’ve manually defined a new variable like so:


let y_metres = {1.74779531E+05, 1.74779531E+05, 1.76507196E+05, 907E+05, 

[. . . ]

1.74779531E+05, 1.74779531E+05}


This new variable (y_metres) is automatically put on the I axis. I was wondering how I might specify it to be on the J axis.


That's exactly where you use the YSEQUENCE function:


    let y_meters = YSEQUENCE( { . . . your list of values . . . } )


Having said that, I wonder how you will be using this variable.  Depending on that, there may be a better way to proceed. 





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