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Re: [ferret_users] list/nohead displays an unexpected text

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for the report. If you had said this

yes? list/format="comma" uwnd[i=20:24,j=@ave]
             VARIABLE : ZONAL WIND (M/S)
             FILENAME : monthly_navy_winds.cdf
             FILEPATH : /home/users/tmap/ferret/linux/fer_dsets/data/
             BAD FLAG : -99.9        
             SUBSET   : 5 by 132 points (LONGITUDE-TIME)
             LATITUDE : 91.3S to 91.3N (averaged)
          67.5E,70E  ,72.5E,75E  ,77.5E
16-JAN-1982 20,0.004071,0.1084,0.1252,0.202,0.2247
16-FEB-1982 06,0.1496,0.1673,0.1421,0.2415,0.2714
18-MAR-1982 17,0.3022,0.378,0.4256,0.5873,0.6591

then that line just before the data would be showing the longitudes that are written; it is also written with /nohead. However the data you are writing is the average of data over longitude, and so it is NOT located at 40E.  This looks like a bug in writing of output using /format=comma.  In fact, the qualifier /norow also is not applied to /format=comma outputs, so that's another issue.  We will fix both of these, which apply to /format=tab and /format=comma.


On 1/4/2017 6:35 AM, Patrick Brockmann wrote:
Hi all,

Happy new year to all ferreters.

I have encountered a small problem when I list a variable without header.
A small text is still reamaining. Bellow in my exemple a '40E' is displayed.
I think this is not expected.

yes? use monthly_navy_winds
yes? list/format="comma" uwnd[i=@ave,j=@ave]
             VARIABLE : ZONAL WIND (M/S)
             FILENAME : monthly_navy_winds.cdf
             FILEPATH : /opt/ferret_dsets/data/
             BAD FLAG : -99.9         
             SUBSET   : 132 points (TIME)
             LONGITUDE: 18.8E to 18.8E(378.8) (XY ave)
             LATITUDE : 91.2S to 91.2N (XY ave)
16-JAN-1982 20,-0.1449
16-FEB-1982 06,-0.107                                                                                              
18-MAR-1982 17,-0.2242                                                                                             
18-APR-1982 03,-0.1623
18-MAY-1982 14,-0.1892

yes? list/format="comma"/nohead uwnd[i=@ave,j=@ave]
16-JAN-1982 20,-0.1449
16-FEB-1982 06,-0.107
18-MAR-1982 17,-0.2242
18-APR-1982 03,-0.1623
18-MAY-1982 14,-0.1892
18-JUN-1982 00,0.01262


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