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Re: [ferret_users] gray points in ribbon plot

Hi Nancy,

That sounds correct.  A couple of ideas:

Your definitions look fine to me, but test your definition of wintermonth, maybe by plotting just a line plot of that variable, "plot wintermonth".

What version of Ferret are you running? Try this little test script of the ribbon/missing=blank qualifier, using a mask similar to yours.

let/title="xpts"/units=degrees_east xpts = {\

let/title="ypts"/units="degrees_north" ypts = {\

let/title="VAR" var =  {\
14.16,14.31,13.34,11.90,12.19,11.20,13.57,12.25,9.3,11.12,4.95, 5.91, \
3.13, 6.88, 2.02, -8.63,-0.23,-1.97, 7.94,9.65}

let mask = if var gt 0 then 1
let var2 = mask*var

go basemap x=120e:150w/y=20:50

plot/vs/over/ribbon/missing=blank  xpts,ypts,var2


On 1/4/2017 8:49 AM, Nancy Williams wrote:
Hello all,

New ferret user here.  How do I force a ribbon plot to NOT plot the gray dots for the values I have filtered out? In this case i'm filtering the SOCATv4 data by month.  I only want to plot months 7, 8, and 9 (Austral winter) and for them to be colored by month (or all the same color would be fine).

let winter=if month gt6 and month lt 10 then 1
let wintermonth=month*winter
plot/vs/over/ribbon/missing=blank longitude, latitude, wintermonth

Thanks for your help!

Nancy Williams
Graduate Student
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University

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