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[ferret_users] vlog places plot/ribbon key labels outside of figure margins

Dear ferreters,

when using vlog in plot/ribbon, it shifts the ribbon key labels upwards and gives them logarithmic spacing, see attached figure plot_vs_ribbon_vlog.png. This is the script:

let a = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
plot/vs/rib/sym=25 a, a, a
plot/vs/rib/sym=25/vlog a, a, a

When the shift is too large, it looks like there are no key labels at all, see examples plot_ribbon_vlin.png and plot_ribbon_vlog.png. This is the script:

def ax/T="06-AUG-2007 22:00:00":"15-AUG-2007 01:12:00":0.2/t0="06-AUG-2007 22:00:00"/unit=hour axt
plot/rib t[gt=axt@ave]+10, t[gt=axt@ave]+10
plot/rib/vlog t[gt=axt@ave]+10, t[gt=axt@ave]+10

Is this fixable, or is there a workaround?

Best wishes,
Ferret v7.0

Attachment: plot_ribbon_vlin.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: plot_ribbon_vlog.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: plot_vs_ribbon_vlog.png
Description: PNG image

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