hi ferreters,
i am trying to compute dynamic height by using potential temperature (deg. Celsius) and salinity (psu).
1) i used the go dynamic_height.jnl. after using this go script i got the plot but i am confused about the units mentioned by the plot. For dynamic height it is showing dyn-cm instead for dyn-m. i checked the script and found that there is no unit conversion. it is straight forward taking the depth mentioned by the data which is specified for depth i.e. Z[G=Temp] (argo temperature data) in meters. please tell me about the units used in this go script.
2) Moreover in the go dynamic_hight script it is defined as SVanom = SV - SV(35,0,0) [ in SV(35,0,0) the depth is zero instead of SV(35,0,z[g=temp]), why the depth is mentioned as zero instead fo variable according to the depth in data ?]
you the see the script by the command go/help dynamic_height.jnl
these are the commands i issued in the calculation.
ptemp_argo.nc ! potential temp
use "/media/
salt_argo.nc" ! salinity
let dyn_S=salt[d=2]
let dyn_T=ptemp[d=1]
let dyn_P=z[gz=ptemp[d=1]]
set region/z=0:2000 ! for dynamic height at z=0 and reference depth is 2000 m
go dynamic_height
fill dyn_ht[l=@ave]
go fland
3) but if i do my own calculation for this computation but using the following steps
ptemp_argo.ncuse "/media/
let tm=ptemp[d=1]
let sa=salt[d=2]
let ro0=rho_un(35,0,z[g=tt])-1000
!! potential density at T=0, S=35, P
let al0=1/ro0 !! specific volume i.e. alpha0
let ro=rho_un(sa,pot,z[g=tt])-1000 !! potential density
let al=1/ro !! specific volume i.e. alpha
let dif=al-al0 !! alpha - alpha0
let ro_ref=ro[z=2000] !! reference potential density i.e. density at reference level of no motion
let h1=dif*ro_ref
let h=h1[z=0:2000@din] !! dynamic height at surface z=0 with reference to z=2000 m
fill h[l=@ave] !! units in m
go fland
but the plot is different from the go dynamic_height script. the dynamic height is more from the script as compare to my script. i am attaching both the plot and the reference document for the computation.
regards, saurabh
Saurabh Rathore
Research Scholar (PhD.)
Centre For Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere & Land Science Technology
Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
contact :- 91- 8345984434