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Re: [ferret_users] Co relation coefficient.


It looks like Nicolas's suggestion got the dataset numbers in the solution ithe wrong way around . The very similar names of the files makes things a bit confusing.

Rather than relying on the order in which you access the datasets it is often (usually) better practice to explicitly use the name of the dataset
rather than the number. If you would rather use the dataset number then you should make sure that you issue the command


before you use the datasets. That way you will be guaranteed that the file are ordered in the way you expect.
What you show below is that temperature is in dataset 2 and not data set 1

I would make the definitions as follows.

let p = pottmp[y=35,d=pottmp2008]
let q = temperature[y=35,d=pottm2008]

Furthermore I'd probably make a symbolic link with a better name to the file pottm2008.nc to reduce confusion.


ln -s pottm2008.nc temp_2008.nc

and therefore

use temp_2008.nc
let q = temperature[y=35,d=temp_2008.nc]


On 28/05/15 17:02, Satyam Srivastava wrote:
Hi all thanks for your kind reply, i have been using the same data set for all kind of dummy computation but in this case i don't know why this is taking up the Temperature from the second data set the files are as follows ::

yes? set mode metafile
yes? set data pottm2008.nc
yes? set data pottmp.2008.nc
yes? let p = pottmp[y=35,d=1]
yes? let q = temperature[y=35,d=2]
yes? go variance
... Variance and Covariance: Instructions:
Use the LET/QUIET command to define the variable(s) P (and Q) as
your variable(s) of interest (e.g. yes? LET/QUIET P = u[x=180,y=0])
The variance of P will be variable P_VAR  (Q --> Q_VAR)
The covariance will be COVAR The correlation will be CORREL.
Type GO VAR_N to obtain n/n+1 statistical correction factor
yes? go var_n
 **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: TEMPERATURE[Y=35,D=2]
IF `nm1 eq 0` then exit/script
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
yes? use pottmp.2008.nc
yes? sh d
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./pottm2008.nc
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
          potential temperature (degc)     1:2001    1:1093    1:10      1:32      ...       ...
    2> ./pottmp.2008.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
 DATE                                      ...       ...       ...       1:12      ...       ...
 TIMEPLOT                                  ...       ...       ...       1:12      ...       ...
 POTTMP   Potential temperature            1:360     1:418     1:40      1:12      ...       ...
yes? use pottm2008.nc
yes? sh d
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./pottm2008.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
          potential temperature (degc)     1:2001    1:1093    1:10      1:32      ...       ...
 the terms are present in the file but it is unable to be read,

please have a look to the data set and please suggest me any solution if it possible.

Thanks in advance

Satyam srivastava.

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Ansley Manke <ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
The error message is telling you that there is not a variable named temperature in dataset 2. Use SHOW DATA to list the variables in the two datasets and make sure your LET definitions match which datset each variable is in.

On 5/27/2015 3:25 AM, Satyam Srivastava wrote:
Thanks Chinnu and Nicolas for your kind reply and help but after trying that as well then also i am getting the same error.

yes? set mode metafile
yes? set data pottm2008.nc
yes? set data pottmp.2008.nc
yes? let p = pottmp[y=35,d=1]
yes? let q = temperature[y=35,d=2]
yes? go variance
... Variance and Covariance: Instructions:
Use the LET/QUIET command to define the variable(s) P (and Q) as
your variable(s) of interest (e.g. yes? LET/QUIET P = u[x=180,y=0])
The variance of P will be variable P_VAR  (Q --> Q_VAR)
The covariance will be COVAR The correlation will be CORREL.
Type GO VAR_N to obtain n/n+1 statistical correction factor
yes? go var_n
 **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: TEMPERATURE[Y=35,D=2]
IF `nm1 eq 0` then exit/script
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted


On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Nicolas Freychet <nicolas.freychet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You need to precise the data of each variable (because you use different data) :
let p = pottmp[y=35,d=1]
let q = temperature[y=35,d=2]
(or switch d=1 and d=2, and don't know which of your data contains the variables)

2015-05-27 17:23 GMT+08:00 Satyam Srivastava <satyam.srivastava.au@xxxxxxxxx>:
Thanks Samir for your kind reply but i have already tried that as well..

yes? set mode metafile
yes? set data pottm2008.nc
yes? set data pottmp.2008.nc
yes? let p = pottmp[y=35]
yes? let q = temperature[y=35]
yes? go variance
... Variance and Covariance: Instructions:
Use the LET/QUIET command to define the variable(s) P (and Q) as
your variable(s) of interest (e.g. yes? LET/QUIET P = u[x=180,y=0])
The variance of P will be variable P_VAR  (Q --> Q_VAR)
The covariance will be COVAR The correlation will be CORREL.
Type GO VAR_N to obtain n/n+1 statistical correction factor
yes? go var_n
 **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: TEMPERATURE[Y=35]
IF `nm1 eq 0` then exit/script
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 12:01 PM, samir pokhrel <pokhrelsamir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Satyam,

Make Sure that your p and q dimensions matches, it seems from your code that longitude of p vary from 0:30N and that of q from 0 to 1N. Please correct it and verify


On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Satyam Srivastava <satyam.srivastava.au@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Folks,

I am trying to calculate the co relation coefficient for two different data set I have already gone through the ferret FAQ, from there i got the idea to compute for a single data set can any one help me for two different data set on different grids and they are time series data.

as i am trying the same concept but i am getting the errors as follows:

yes? set mode metafile
yes? use pottm2008.nc
yes? use pottmp.2008.nc
yes? let p=temperature[x=0:30,y=0:35]
yes? let q=pottmp[x=0:1,y=0:35]
yes? go var_n
 **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: MASK_PQ
IF `nm1 eq 0` then exit/script
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted


Satyam Srivastava,
K. Banerjee Centre of Ocean Sciences, 
University of Allahabad,

Samir Pokhrel
Climate and Global Modelling Division
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
NCL Post, Pashan


Satyam Srivastava,
K. Banerjee Centre of Ocean Sciences, 
University of Allahabad,

Nicolas Freychet
Postdoc Reseach Fellow at RCEC
Academia Sinica


Satyam Srivastava,
K. Banerjee Centre of Ocean Sciences, 
University of Allahabad,


Satyam Srivastava,
K. Banerjee Centre of Ocean Sciences, 
University of Allahabad,

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