Hi Ryo,
I can't confirm; my Mac doesn't manifest this problem:
FERRET v6.82
Darwin 9.8.0 - 08/06/12
6-Aug-14 09:40
yes? set memory/size=269
Cached data cleared from memory
yes? set memory/size=5000
Cached data cleared from memory
Internal overflow expressing 5000.0 Mwords as words (705032704)
Unable to allocate the requested 5000.0 Mwords of memory.
Memory remaining at 269.0 Mwords.
On Tue 05 Aug 2014, at 21:49 , Ryo Furue <furue@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ferret users (on Mac in particular),
> It seems that memory that Ferret can use is limited to about 1 GiB
> (giga bytes) and I thought this can be a bug.
> yes? set memory/size=269
> ferret_v6.82(33692) malloc: *** mmap(size=2152001536) failed (error code=12)
> *** error: can't allocate region
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> Unable to allocate 269.0 Mwords of memory.
> Restoring previous memory of 268.0 Mwords.
> I can't allocate 269 Mwords, which is about 1.00 GiB if one "word" is
> 4 bytes. Because of this problem, I can't read a variable which is a
> little over 1 GiB. Ferret says "request exceeds memory setting: 292
> Mwords were requested."
> I thought 2 GiB is the actual maximum. The error message contains
> some hints that corroborate:
> 1) size=2152001536 is 2.00 GiB (if it's in bytes).
> 2) error code = 12 is "Cannot allocate memory" (from /usr/include/sys/errno.h).
> From this, I guess that at some point in the Ferret code, one "word"
> is interpreted as 8 bytes.
> Ferret v6.82 for Mac.
> Best regards,
> Ryo
> ----
> P.S. I use this convention: "M" == 10^6, "Mi" = 2^20, "G" == 10^9,
> "Gi" == 2^30.
Andy Jacobson
NOAA Earth System Research Lab
Global Monitoring Division
325 Broadway R/GMD1
Boulder, Colorado 80305