If you do not have gaps more than 1 day a l@fln:3 if you have more lengthy gaps you may use fln:5 or so this will fill the gaps by linearly interpolating between the boundaries of gaps.
with best regards,
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 8:14 PM, samir pokhrel
<pokhrelsamir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Ferret users,
I am trying to make 3-day running mean of satellite data to avoids data gaps and to get complete coverage.
I have used @sbx transformation to get this, however the gap increases further indicating that this transformation does not account for the missing values, i.e if any grid has missing value for a time step, despite of the same grid having valid values for other time step the transformation considers the final value to be missing.
How to get @sbx transformation accountable for missing values within a grid, similar to what @ave function treats it, or to use any other function effectively to get the running mean consisting of invalid values as well.
Anticipating the replies and thanking you all in advance
Samir Pokhrel
Climate and Global Modelling Division
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
NCL Post, Pashan
with best regards
Sudheer Joseph
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
Ocean Valley, Post Box No# 21,
IDA Jeedimetla P.O.
Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy District - 500 055
Andhra Pradesh, India.
http://oppamthadathil.tripod.com --------------* ---------------
"The ultimate measure of a man is
not where he stands in moments of
comfort and convenience, but where
he stands at times of challenge and
Martin Luther King, Jr.
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us.
What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."
- Albert Pines