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Re: [ferret_users] extracting data from a region

Dear madhu,

     You can list chlorophyll and temperature data in ASCII/txt file.
you can use following commands

yes? use <netcdf file name>
yes? list/format=(f9.5)/x=70E:73E/y=18N:21N/file=<output file name>/clobber  temp   ! your variable

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:46 PM, madhu vr <madhucift@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear ferret  users,

I am new to ferret. I am trying to study the phenology of fish catches along the west coast of India.
Is it possible, to extract the data from a given region, (18N:21N,70E:73E), in ASCII format?
The data I am looking into is the chlorophyll and temperature. The data extracted could be used for further statistical analysis.
thanks in advance,



Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), CIFT Junction, Matsyapuri, 
Willingdon Island, Cochin - 682 029, INDIA
Phone: 0484 - 2666845 (Ext. 428)
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Kankan Sarkar
Junior Research Fellow
Physical Oceanography Division

National Institute of Oceanography(CSIR)
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