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Re: [ferret_users] How compute mean yearly temperature from monthly dataset?

I see that I had one error in what I wrote.  I should have said,

I imagine that what you want is that each year starts with the beginning of January and ends with the end of December. 

On 8/29/2011 1:49 PM, Ansley Manke wrote:
Hi -
Your script looks fine except for one thing.  I think that you haven't defined the yearly time axis that you really want to use. Here's what you have:

yes? define axis/t=16-jan-1850:16-dec-2005:12/unit=months/calendar=noleap year_noleap
 *** NOTE: /UNIT=MONTHS  ... using 1/12 of 365.00 days
yes? list t[gt=year_noleap]
             VARIABLE : T
                        axis YEAR_NOLEAP
             SUBSET   : 157 points (TIME)
             CALENDAR : NOLEAP
 JAN-1850 /   1:   600.
 JAN-1851 /   2:   612.
 JAN-1852 /   3:   624.
 JAN-1853 /   4:   636.
 JAN-1854 /   5:   648.

This means that for this axis, the years are centered at January 16 of each year, with each year starting and ending in mid-July.

I imagine that what you want is that each year starts with the beginning of January and ends with the end of January.  To do that, start and end at the edges of the year, use units of YEAR and use the /EDGES qualifier to tell Ferret that the dates you give are to be used as the edges of grid cells.

yes? define axis/t=1-jan-1850:31-dec-2005:1/unit=year/EDGES/calendar=noleap year_noleap

You do NOT need to use the same units (months) for time calculations. Ferret translates between time units when working with calendar time.


On 8/26/2011 3:17 AM, markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Dear users,
I have a problems and I'm not sure I'm solving it in the right way.

I have a monthly surface temperature (you can see the features of the axis

yes? SHOW grid/T/l=1:12 tas
     GRID GHF2
name       axis              # pts   start                end
LON       LONGITUDE           96mr   0E                   3.75W
LAT       LATITUDE            96 i   90S                  90N
normal    Z
TIME      TIME              1872 i   16-JAN-1850 12:00    16-DEC-2005 12:00

        L     T                   TBOX      TBOXLO                TSTEP (days)
        1>   16-JAN-1850 12:00:00  31         01-JAN-1850 00:00:00    15.5
        2>   15-FEB-1850 00:00:00  28         01-FEB-1850 00:00:00    45
        3>   16-MAR-1850 12:00:00  31         01-MAR-1850 00:00:00    74.5
        4>   16-APR-1850 00:00:00  30         01-APR-1850 00:00:00    105
        5>   16-MAY-1850 12:00:00  31         01-MAY-1850 00:00:00    135.5
        6>   16-JUN-1850 00:00:00  30         01-JUN-1850 00:00:00    166
        7>   16-JUL-1850 12:00:00  31         01-JUL-1850 00:00:00    196.5
        8>   16-AUG-1850 12:00:00  31         01-AUG-1850 00:00:00    227.5
        9>   16-SEP-1850 00:00:00  30         01-SEP-1850 00:00:00    258
       10>   16-OCT-1850 12:00:00  31         01-OCT-1850 00:00:00    288.5
       11>   16-NOV-1850 00:00:00  30         01-NOV-1850 00:00:00    319
       12>   16-DEC-1850 12:00:00  31         01-DEC-1850 00:00:00    349.5

and I would compute from these monthly values the yearly means. According to
previous post I did the following to compute the yearly values:

! Define monthly calendar time axis.
define axis/t=16-jan-1850:16-dec-2005:1/unit=months/calendar=noleap

! Regrid on new time axis
let tas_monthly = tas[gt=month_noleap@asn]

! Define yearly calendar time axis.
define axis/t=16-jan-1850:16-dec-2005:12/unit=months/calendar=noleap

! Regrid to get annual averages.
DEFINE VARIABLE/title="yearly tas [C]" tas_yearly = tas_monthly

So is it right? Otherwise, if I'm wrong, which is the best way to do that?
I believe there is something wrong, since I get 2 spikes at the first and last
year, respectively (namely the temperature is 1C lower that it should be).

Thanks into advance for help

Best Regards

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