Thanks Ansley for the trick with the
transformation, surely it is faster, but index new variables
will help on my own
algorithm development.
Searching mail archives, an user
taught the
below example of index with the loop, it did
all right to read
the data indexed,
but wasn't successful to save it indexed to a new variable.
Sorry if my mistake, but I couldn't find also on the Users
Guide, still use fortran/matlab to do so, isn't this possible
with ferret?
Thanks again for the help,
Paula Lamosa Nunes
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 15:06:37 -0700
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] How to index a new variable?
Rather than trying to write loops, look for Ferret
transformations or functions that let you define a new
variable that captures the operation you want to use.
define axis/x=1:10:1 xax
let array = x[gx=xax]
let array_1 = array[x=@ddb]
If you read the first chapter of the Users Guide, you'll
start to see how best to use the program. Then the next few
chapters give details about different aspects of using Ferret.
On 8/23/2011 1:24 PM, PaulaOCN Nunes wrote:
I want to calculate the resolution on satellite images and
need to index new variables, but I can't go through...
To learn the
I tried with a simple vector (from 1 to 10), and then made
a loop to create a new vector, as follows:
define axis/x=1:10:1 xax
let array = x[gx=xax]
repeat/i=2:10:1 (\
let array_1 IF I[GX=array] EQ `i` THEN
(array[i=`i`]-array[i=`i-1`]); list array, array_1)
list array, array_1
X: 0.5 to 10.5
Column 1: ARRAY is X[GX=XAX]
Column 2: ARRAY_1 is IF I[GX=ARRAY] EQ 10 THEN
1 / 1: 1.00 ....
2 / 2: 2.00 ....
3 / 3: 3.00 ....
4 / 4: 4.00 ....
5 / 5: 5.00 ....
6 / 6: 6.00 ....
7 / 7: 7.00 ....
8 / 8: 8.00 ....
9 / 9: 9.00 ....
10 / 10: 10.00 1.000
The problem is that the new variable only gets the last
value of the loop. Please, would someone help?
Paula Lamosa Nunes