The stick plot script uses a plot command from the underlying plot
library PPLUS. There isn't a form of that command which adds
arrowheads, so the short answer is that there isn't an easy
one-command way to do it.
Of course one could write a script similar to the polygon vector
scripts, to draw arrow shapes based on the values of u and v and
place them on the page. The polygon vector scripts are an analogy to
the standard VECTOR command, so this would be a matter of
reproducing what the VECTOR command does but with polygons; a new
script for this purpose would reproduce what the PLOTUV command
does. (See the demo script poly_vector_demo.jnl for an introduction
to that style - this family of scripts was contributed by a Ferret
On 7/23/2011 2:18 AM, Thuckan wrote:
Dear Ryo and others,
Thank you for writing such a clear explanation of the stick
I give my journal file here in case it could not be opened by
cancel mode logo
def ax/t0="15-May-2008 00:00:00"/t="15-May-2008
00:00:00":"30-Apr-2009 18:00:00":3/units=hours tax
go stick_vectors plot/no/hlimits=1:8520:30 WSPX WSPY 0 5
!hlimit set to extent the xaxis beyond 'tend'
Any one got idea on how to plot the sticks with arrows
indicating the direction of wind, like the one attached here? Is
it possible with ferret?
Hi Thuckan,
| Dear Ferreters,I am trying to represent wind velocity and
| in the same plot using stick plot.I could do it with a
data set
| having u and v components of wind-see
windstick_ferret.gif. I
| presume that the length of the stick is proportional to
the wind
| speed sqrt(u^2+v^2) and the direction of the stick
indicates the
| direction to which wind is blowing. But I don't understand
why the
| Y-axis shows postive as well as negative values, where as
wind speed
| should be always positive.
A stick plot is a plot on the u-v plane. Suppose you have a
series of a vector (u(t), v(t)). Then, you plot line
from (c*t, 0) to (c*t+u(t), v(t))
on the u-v plane for all values of t, where c is an
constant. Each line segment represents the vector (u(t),
but its origin is shifted as (c*t, 0).
So, the vertical axis is v and the horizontal axis is u.
But, the horizontal axis is "labeled" with time t, just for
convenience, to represent the shift of the origin (c*t,0).
Does this answer your first question?
I'll leave the remaining questions out. I haven't looked
at your journal file.
From: Thuckan <thuckan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 16:46:51
To: "ferret_users@xxxxxxxx" <ferret_users@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: "owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx"
Subject: [ferret_users] wind stick plot
Dear Ferreters,
I am trying to represent wind velocity and direction in
the same plot using stick plot.
I could do it with a data set having u and v components
of wind-see windstick_ferret.gif. I presume that the length
of the stick is proportional to the wind speed sqrt(u^2+v^2)
and the direction of the stick indicates the direction to
which wind is blowing. But I don't understand why the Y-axis
shows postive as well as negative values, where as wind
speed should be always positive. I attach my journal file
I found a different representation of the same idea
elsewhere, thogh I don't know whether such a plot could be
generated with ferret. I attach the figure
Please clarify my doubt and tell if there is a way to
plot the picture with arrows, like the second figure.
Thanks in advance,
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