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Re: [ferret_users] COARE Algorithm

Dear Hasibur,

I made the same request 6 years ago:


but I never received a reply. I think that means that the answer is no... and I never did implement translate it into Ferret. If you do this though, there would be several of us interested in testing it. Note that the Ferret developers are actively developing a Python external function capability for Ferret, so if you're familiar with Python, you might consider translating the Matlab code into SciPy.

The main problem, as a recall, was that some of the COARE 3.0 functions returned multiple arguments -- and Ferret still does not have the ability to receive multiple arguments from external functions. That means that you have to receive one argument at a time, calling the function again & again, which is obviously inefficient. The Ferret developers are aware of this issue of multi-argument return, and I believe are working on a solution within the Python external function framework.


On 07/22/2011 12:13 AM, Hasibur Rahman wrote:
Hi all,
             I would like to know  whether anyone has a Ferret version of the COARE 3.0 algorithm
(Fairall et al., J. Climate 2003, 16, 571-591) to compute air-sea fluxes
from bulk quantities?
Fortran and Matlab codes are available.
Has anybody  translated these into a Ferret script
or an external function ?
Thanks for any help from any of ferret_users
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