Dear Ferret Users,
I output GIF files in the large loop with command REPEAT/L=1,120, 12. So far I failed
to find syntax solution that would output my GIF-frames with L-count, like frame.001.gif,
frame.002.gif, ...etc.
Naturally, in the standard output the frames are named according to the Ferret standards
So, my questions:
1. Is there any way to name output with the current value of loop variable L in the GIF file name?
2. Are there some UNIX tools for the following transition
first frame frame.gif ==> frame.0001.gif
second frame frame.gif.~1~ ==> frame.0002.gif
or something without leading zeros and dots (these are easy to insert) like
first frame ==> frame.1.gif
second frame ==> frame.2.gif
Basically, I need something that counts frame not in a regular order and substitutes
~n~ in Ferret notation with the direct order frame number
I am aware about Fsort utility, but I'd like to check first about other tools before I
start my own scripting.
Thank you,
Sergei Maurits
Dr. Sergei Maurits, HPC Specialist
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6020