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Re: [ferret_users] interpolate along time axis

Hi -
What you show looks like the right set of commands. Have you checked the 5-day data from your descriptor dataset, making sure that the time range is correct and that there's data?  Making a few time-series plots or listing data at some locations is often a way to spot problems.

Do you see any messages when you go to use the regridded 1-day data?  If for instance your original data is on a different calendar-type, then Ferret won't do the regridding operation.


On 6/21/2011 5:16 PM, michael hughes wrote:
Hi All
I want to perform a linear interpolation on GCM data along the time axis. The existing data set is organised as separate files representing snapshots at 5 day intervals and I've created a Descriptor file to work with the data within Ferret. I want to interpolate these results from 5 day to 1 day.

From what I can gather this should be a rather trivial task, however I can't seem to get my code to work. When I plot the interpolated results the figure indicates that there is no valid data in the interpolated data set.


use GCM_data.DES

LET var_5day = temp ! for example

! interpolate data along new time axis
DEFINE AXIS/t=25-JUN-1992:31-DEC-1999:1/UNITS=days tax_1day
LET var_1day = var_5day[Gt=tax_1day@LIN]


The DES file used to import the data has a time axis at exactly 5 day intervals and I want the new axis to interpolate at 1 day intervals. However the output data set has no valid data. 

Thanks in advance for you help,

Michael Hughes
PhD Candidate
Griffith University
Brisbane, Australia

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