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[ferret_users] combining netcdf files


I used ncecat to combine two netcdf files to one in the following format.

     ncecat file1.nc file2.nc output.nc

I got some error (shown below). Any syntax error? Is there any other way to do it?


ncecat: WARNING Variable lhtfl has attribute "missing_value" but not "_FillValue". To comply with netCDF conventions, NCO ignores values that equal the _FillValue attribute when performing arithmetic. Confusingly, values equal to the missing_value should also be neglected. However, it is tedious and (possibly) computationally expensive to check each value against multiple missing values during arithmetic on large variables. So NCO thinks that processing variables with a "missing_value" attribute and no "_FillValue" attribute may produce undesired arithmetic results (i.e., where values that were intended to be neglected were not, in fact, neglected). We suggest you rename all "missing_value" attributes to "_FillValue" or include both "missing_value" and "_FillValue" attributes (with the _same values_) for all variables that have either attribute. Because it is long, this message is only printed once per operator even though multiple variables may have the same attribute configuration. More information on missing values is given at:
Examples of renaming attributes are at:
Examples of creating and deleting attributes are at:
ERROR: nco_inq_varid() reports requested variable "lhtfl" is not in input file
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco_inq_varid()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -49. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-49) is "NetCDF: Variable not found"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)

Saji. P. K.

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