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Re: [ferret_users] How to max up the window size?

Hi Sergei

You can also use "set_pixel_size" to adjust pixel, too.

GO set_pixel_size xsize ysize

Regards, dan

2011/5/27 Yu, Hao-Cheng <danish.url@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Sergei,

I remember I ask similar question before in the forum.
For the output size of image, use postscript format and convert it for a large one would be a better solution than gif file (size is limited in ferret).
For margin adjust, you can use /set, then try "go margins" to adjust margins around the figure.

plot/set xxx
go margins 0.2 " " " " " "  ! adjust margins at above 
ppl plot

Hope this helps.

Regards, dan

2011/5/27 Sergei Maurits <maurits@xxxxxxxx>

From: Sergei Maurits <maurits@xxxxxxxx>
Date: May 25, 2011 5:23:12 PM AKDT
Subject: How to max up the window size?

Dear Ferret Users, 

I am new to Ferret  and I have to ask this simple question.
I do frames with Ferret that will be used for animation in Google Earth. For that I need larger size images (at least 1000x500, the larger the better)  in simple cylindrical projection (a.k.a. Plate Ceree). 

However, I can not change the window size, and consequently, my output GIFs by varying the SIZE parameter beyond 1.0:



set WINDOW/SIZE=10.0 

give me the same pixels.

In the same time, modification of ASPECT changes the picture. 

I understand that 

go mp_aspect 

overrides my setting for WINDOW and I don't use go mp_aspect 

Another possibility is to make margins smaller and to fill the window tight with image. At this point I have pretty considerable (and useless for my goal) margins.

Please help. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you, 

Sergei Maurits, HPC Specialist
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6020
907 450 8697 voice   907 450 8604 fax.

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