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Re: [ferret_users] Bar plot possible in ferret?

Yue Chao wrote:

> I just want to know is it possible to make a bar plot in ferret, or even a
> bar plot overlapped with a line plot?
> I don't think so because I don't find any information either in the
> reference mannual or mailing list archive.

Not by default, but people who have worked with ferret for too long
can usually think of something ;-)

let mx = x[i=1:30]
let my = sin(0.2*mx)

plot /vs /line mx/my

let w = 0.4
let /bad=-99 barx=xsequence({-`w`,-`w`,`w`,`w`,-99})
let /bad=-99 bary=xsequence({0,1,1,0,-99})

polygon /key ysequence(mx)+barx, ysequence(my)*bary, ysequence(my)

Try poly/line/fill to get lines around the bars, and use either
/palette=blue to get a single color value, or play with the third argument of
polygon to set the value, e.g.

polygon /key ysequence(mx)+barx, ysequence(my)*bary, 0.5+0*ysequence(my)

Kind regards,

     Hein Zelle


Dr. Hein Zelle
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