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Re: [ferret_users] beginner's questions


Not sure exactly where you are in the process, so try I'll offer some general tips and you can reply with more questions and information.  Of course, there are a lot of things you can do with data being served by TDS to make it work better for data users before you get to the point of offering server-side analysis, so I'll mention a few of those as well.

If you want to add the Ferret server-side analysis capabilities to your TDS then you need to accomplish two things 1) get Ferret installed 2) configure and install the modules into TDS that will do the server-side analysis.  Sounds like you already have step 1 finished.  The "Installation as a stand-alone OPeNDAP Server" section of the page you mention is in fact the information you need to accomplish step 2.  As you follow along with those instructions in the section where you are editing the build file you also need to edit  the jakarta.lib property.  For tomcat 6 the value is a your jakarta.home with "/lib" appended.   E.g. <property name="jakarta.lib" value="/home/users/rhs/tomcat/lib" />

Once you've gone through the steps and restarted your server, you should be able to define virtual data sets in the data URL or in a file.  Let me know where you've run aground in your attempt.

Before you even get to server-side analysis you can use the FMRC aggregation and aggregation capabilities of TDS to create data sets which are easy to read with desktop clients like Ferret, GrADS and Matlab.


On 04/26/2011 12:56 PM, donna Cote wrote:
I installed F-TDS on a UNIX box, where THREDDS is already working, but then couldn't figure out where to go from there.

 /opt/ferret has the bin/ and other directories

and /opt/ferret-home has the environment source file where
"source /opt/ferret-home/ferret_paths"

will give the user the correct paths and environment vars for Ferret.

Where I got stuck is how to get Ferret working with THREDDS. I keep finding instructions on getting LAS up and running but not just Ferret-TDS.


My site is at

Suggestions, please?


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