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[ferret_users] Re: How to grab z axis info?

this was quite easy
define axis/t="`t[g=tmp_t,l=1],return=tend`":"`t[g=tmp_t,l=1],return=tend`":1 time
let timestamp = 0* t[gt=time]

define axis/z="`z[g=tmp_t,k=10],return=zend`":"`z[g=tmp_t,k=10],return=zend`":1 zax
let sigmalev = 0* z[gz=zax]

let zt = 0*t[gt=time]+0*z[gz=zax]

but when I just add the zt values to the proper variable I get the result without t axis.
But I can work around that by command label.

Kind regards,
Szymon Roziewski

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