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[ferret_users] Re: Changing variable's grid

I can mention that

        float temperature(time, z, y, x) ;
                temperature:long_name = "potential temperature" ;
                temperature:units = "K" ;
                temperature:coordinates = "east_e north_e zz" ;


        time = UNLIMITED ; // (86 currently)
        z = 10 ;
        y = 145 ;
        x = 132 ;

And what I am going to change is y and x but I wouldn't like to alter netCDF data file.

best wishes,
Szymon Roziewski

2011/4/19 Szymon Roziewski <szymon.roziewski@xxxxxxxxx>
Hello there,

I am wondering if it's possible to change the grid for a defined variable?
I mean that e.g. I have tmp variable on grid (132,145) -- elements of this grid are integers
and eventually I want it to be on grid 132,145 but with elements defining longitudes and latitudes (real numbers).
It's simple but I can't do it in ferret.

Sth like that
tmp = tmp[g=final_grid] doesn't work and I know why but how to do..?

kind regards,
Szymon Roziewski

Z wyrazami szacunku,
Szymon Roziewski

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