Dear Ferreters, Could you please to help me to figure out this error message. I have been trying to add detail coastline in ferret. I issued this command to read an ascii data file maybe 11615 lines long. USE coads SET REGION/X=165w:150w/Y=15:25/T="15-FEB-2000" VECTOR/title=""/nolabel uwnd,vwnd DEFINE AXIS/Z=1:11615:1 vec_len DEFINE GRID/Z=vec_len vec_grid FILE/VAR=lon,lat/G=vec_grid hawaii.dat PLOT/VS/LINE/OVER/COLOR=BLUE/NOLABEL 360+lon,lat -------------------------------------------------------------------------
B.Sc Sandro Wellyanto Lubis
Research Ass. in Climate Modeling Division
Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management
Southeast Asia-Pacific
Tel : +62(0)81385644350