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[ferret_users] Extracting frequency from FFTA

Hi there,

I hope you have some extra experience with Fourier analysis as I'm running out of ideas.
I have a time series (hourly for a month) and I have done a FFTA on it with the following

   let FFT_temp = ffta(temp[l=1:744])     !simple enough

and I now need to isolate the 4 hourly frequency and return only it back to the hourly temperature data (ie I need 744 time steps again 24 hours * 31 days)
I've tried FFT_INVERSE but I don't know how to specify the frequency or period I need,

    let sample_re = FFT_RE(temp[d=1])
    let sample_im = FFT_IM(temp[d=1])
    let invert_ts = FFT_INVERSE(sample_re, sample_im)           ! this returns the full original data set and imposing l limits to the sample_re or sample_im seems to return wrong data

I've also been trying LSL_LOWPASS but I'm not sure on the functioning and is returning strange data that looks incorrect.
Is there something simple that I'm doing wrong?

Many thanks for your time.



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