Hi Martin; I work with ASCAT files as well, and I use the command "scat2gridgauss_xy" to plot over all the passes in the end of a day. Not sure if I'm doing right, but comparing with the shading output it looks similar (also the "min" and "max" values), I attached an example of the shade picture for the "scat2gridgauss_xy" output ("shadeWIND_SPEEDscat2grid.gif") and for " shade WIND_SPEED, lon,lat" ("shadeWIND_SPEED.gif"). Your question about the shade command got me curious, and for sure, I tried to do the same and I still don't understand, if there isn't interpolation, why it plots in areas between the points of LON/LAT ("plotLONLAT.gif") . Sorry Ansley, would you explain better this "checkerboard" variable? I reproduced it but could not understand...besides, it uses the "shade" command as well (shade checkerboard, lon, lat), equal "shade WIND_SPEED, lon,lat". By the end, I had a problem when I tried to do the same as Martin, with the command "curv_to_rect_map", Ferret stops; don't show any error and remains in the in blank display. I first tried axis with 12.5 km ( ASCAT resolution) and after 1°, but ferrets locks anyway...does anyone have a clue way I'm not able to do it? OBS: I use FERRET v6.401 Linux(g77) 2.6.9-89.ELsmp - 12/09/09 Above these tests commands: set memo/size=1000 use ascat_20110316_011801_metopa_22850_eps_o_125_1019_ovw.l2.nc shade WIND_SPEED,LON,LAT; go land_hires frame/file="shadeWIND_SPEED.gif" plot/vs lon,lat ; go land_hires frame/file="plotLONLAT.gif" define axis/x=1:267238:1 tripaxis let tripaGRID=X[gx=tripaxis] define axis/x=0:360:0.1126/UNIT=degrees xaxis define axis/y=-90:90:0.1126/UNIT=degrees yaxis let uASCAT=sin(WIND_DIR*(3.1416/180))*WIND_SPEED let vASCAT=cos(WIND_DIR*(3.1416/180))*WIND_SPEED let lon2=reshape(lon,tripaGRID) let lat2=reshape(lat,tripaGRID) let uASCATgrau=scat2gridgauss_xy(lon2,lat2,uASCAT,x[gx=xaxis],y[gy=yaxis],0.2252, 0.2252, 2, 0) let vASCATgrau=scat2gridgauss_xy(lon2,lat2,vASCAT,x[gx=xaxis],y[gy=yaxis],0.2252, 0.2252, 2, 0) let mag=(uASCATgrau^2+vASCATgrau^2)^0.5 shade/level=(0,20,1) mag; go land_hires frame/file="shadeWIND_SPEEDscat2grid.gif" plot/vs lon,lat let checkerboard = 0*wind_speed+mod(i+j,2) shade/pal=greyscale/lev=(0,2,1) checkerboard, lon, lat let lonlatout=y[gy=yaxis]+x[gx=xaxis] let lonin=lon;let latin=lat let map=curv_to_rect_map(lonin,latin,lonlatout,1) shade map frame/file="shadeMAP.gif" Greetings, Paula Lamosa Nunes Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 11:23:37 -0800 From: ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ferret_users] plotting and interpolating data given on curvilinear grids To: martin.schmidt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CC: oar.pmel.ferret_users@xxxxxxxx Hi Martin, There is a newer interpolation method in the pipeline, but not yet available. The libcf library being developed by Unidata and a group of collaborators will give us faster tools for interpolating between grids. We are paying close attention to this development and will implement it in Ferret as soon as it's ready. When there's a beta version of the interpolation code, and other capabilities available, we will add it as an option for people to experiment with. Here's the link to the information about libcf: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/libcf/ With the existing tools in Ferret, if all your data has the same curvilienar grid and are interpolating to the same rectilinear grid, you can re-use the map function. This speeds up the entire process quite a lot, and it's the reason we have two functions; one to compute the map and the other to apply it. The SHADE command only fills each grid box with the corresponding color. It's not doing any interpolation. The curvilinear version of the shade command can use curvlinear coordinate variables that define either the edges of the grid cells or their centers. Here it looks like the grid defines the centers - else their size would be one larger than the grid size of the data fields. yes? use "ascat_20100111_005400_metopa_16755_eps_o_125_1018_ovw.l2.nc" yes? sh dat currently SET data sets: 1> ./ascat_20100111_005400_metopa_16755_eps_o_125_1018_ovw.l2.nc (default) name title I J K L TIME time 1:82 1:3259 ... ... LAT latitude 1:82 1:3259 ... ... LON longitude 1:82 1:3259 ... ... WVC_INDEX cross track wind vector cell nu 1:82 1:3259 ... ... MODEL_SPEED model wind speed at 10 m 1:82 1:3259 ... ... MODEL_DIR model wind direction at 10 m 1:82 1:3259 ... ... ICE_PROB ice probability 1:82 1:3259 ... ... ICE_AGE ice age (a-parameter) 1:82 1:3259 ... ... WVC_QUALITY_FLAG wind vector cell quality 1:82 1:3259 ... ... WIND_SPEED wind speed at 10 m 1:82 1:3259 ... ... WIND_DIR wind direction at 10 m 1:82 1:3259 ... ... BS_DISTANCE backscatter distance 1:82 1:3259 ... ... A nice way to visualize a grid is to define a "checkerboard" variable, which alternates 1 and zero over the grid, based on the variable we're looking at. yes? let checkerboard = 0*wind_speed+mod(i+j,2) yes? shade/hlim=50e:150e/vlim=-80:0/pal=greyscale/lev=(0,2,1) checkerboard, lon, lat So I think what looks in your shade.gif image like data smeared across the middle of this swath is really just the way the shape of the cells changes. The question is why the regridded data has a gap in that area. There should be many points within the 1-degree radius that you've chosen, to use in the interpolation. I don't understand that, but will try to look into it. Ansley On 2/18/2011 8:42 AM, Martin Schmidt wrote: Hi Ferreters, |
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