I am trying to locate and plot the minimum U wind values on a lat-lon
figure. I am attaching the figure generated.
After ploting the U wind contours i use the following:
repeat/range=0:120:2/name=xpos ( \
let minval = uwnd[x=`xpos`e,y=@min,z=`zl`:`zu`@ave,l=7]; \
let ypos = uwnd[x=`xpos`e,y=@loc:`minval`,z=`zl`:`zu`@ave,l=7]; \
list ypos; \
xpos,ypos )
As you can see the symbols are being plotted below the location of
minimum U wind. I have the following questions:
1) The reason for the incorrect location of the symbols. I am not
having this problem with NCEP reanalysis data.
2) I am unable to get the 'line' qualifier connect the different
symbols. How to do this?
3) At some locations there is a discontinuity (for example around
55E). To me it looks artificial.
4) In case there is a missing value for 'ypos', then how do i ensure
that this does not cause an error and abort in the script execution?
I hope you people will have patience to reduce some of my difficulties.
Samrat Rao.