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Re: [ferret_users] shuffle or how to permute randomly elements

Andrew Wittenberg a écrit :
Hi Patrick,

To shuffle a time series, simply sample your vector with indices that sort
a random array:

   let a_shuffle = samplel(a,sortl(randu(a)))

An example with multiple shuffles:

   let a = tsequence({100,500,600,20,90,4})
   let seeds = {101,102,103}
   let a_shuffle = samplel(a,sortl(randu(tcat(seed,a[l=2:`a,r=lsize`]))))
rep/name=s/range=1:`seeds,r=isize` (let seed = seeds[i=`s`]; list a_shuffle)
Nice Andrew.
Thanks very much on this one.


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