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Re: [ferret_users] verbosity with set data

Starting in Ferret v6.6.2 there is a command that missed getting documented:
which can be used to redirect most console output to either to a file or the journal. There is still some console output missed (including the messages Patrick wants suppressed), which I am now working on capturing.

With /TEE the console output will still be output but a copy will also be made to the file or journal.

With /JOURNAL the console output will go to the ferret journal as commented lines.

With /FILE="<filename>" the console output will go to the file named as it would appear on the console. If the file already exists, the /APPEND or /CLOBBER option also needs to be given to indicate whether to append to or overwrite the existing file.

If you do not want the console output saved anywhere, under Linux and other Unix-like systems you can use:
which will discard the output.


On 1/21/2011 4:42 AM, Blaker A.T. wrote:
Dear Steeven, Sudheer,

Thank you both for your replies regarding the use of the VERIFY mode. I look forward to being less informed about
the inner workings of my loops!

Many thanks,

Dr Adam Blaker

Ocean Modelling and Forecasting
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
From: Steeven Paul Yerraguntla [steevenpaul@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 January 2011 11:06
To: Blaker A.T.
Cc: Ansley Manke; oar.pmel.ferret_users@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] verbosity with set data

Hello Blaker,
             Suppressing of echos can be done by applying CANCEL MODE VERIFY at the starting of the jnl file. When error encountered at time of execution of jnl file, VERIFY MODE will come into force. you can suppress repeat loop echos by doing as follows. I think it is not applicable in patrick's case.
-------------------------------------------------------jnl file  ----------------
REPEAT/L=1:10  statement
-   -   -    -   -

- Paul.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Blaker A.T.<atb299@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:atb299@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>  wrote:
Dear Ansley, Ferreters,

I have a similar query to Patrick's. Is it possible to suppress all messages returned by Ferret?

I have some scripts which use REPEAT and IF to create large number of images, but at the moment
where I have a REPEAT which contains an IF, e.g.:-

repeat/i=1:3000 (...IF...)

Ferret kindly informs me exactly where I am in the loop and what my IF has resolved to, e.g.:-

!->  REPEAT: I=1
  !->  IF 1 THEN ...
!->  REPEAT: I=2
  !->  IF 1 THEN ...

This is great for writing scripts and debugging, but once I know my script works I would like to
suppress these messages. Is this possible now, and if not, could it be considered for a future

Many thanks,

Dr Adam Blaker

Ocean Modelling and Forecasting
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
From: owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx>  [owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-ferret_users@xxxxxxxx>] On Behalf Of Ansley Manke [ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx<mailto:ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx>]
Sent: 19 January 2011 23:33
To: Brockmann Patrick
Cc: oar.pmel.ferret_users@xxxxxxxx<mailto:oar.pmel.ferret_users@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] verbosity with set data

Hi Patrick,
Good idea. There is not quite a way to do that but we have some ideas.  Watch for this in an upcoming release.


On 1/19/2011 1:50 PM, Brockmann Patrick wrote:
Hi ferreters,

Is there a way to open a netcdf file in a silent mode, ie without the display of all the warnings (*** NOTE ...) ?

I am looking for this feature because when I open a large number of files (256) that are not well written
(warning on several attributs), I get tons of messages. Note that I don't say that they are useless, just
that I would like to choose to print them or not.

Something like:
yes? use/quiet "myfile.nc<http://myfile.nc>"


Steeven Paul Y
Research Fellow
National Institute of Oceanography(NIO)
Regional Center, Visakhapatnam (RCW)
176 Lawsons Bay Colony
Visakhapatnam - 530001

Karl M. Smith, Ph.D.
Research Scientist and Software Developer
(206) 526-4806

"The contents of this message are mine personally and do
not necessarily reflect any position of the Government
or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."

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