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Re: [ferret_users] convert GIFs to movie

Just go a message that the forwarding of mails with scripts attached may have caused problems. They can be found in the list's archive:


On 10/05/2010 10:21 AM, Willi Rath wrote:

I use mecoder with the msmpeg4v2 codec. I is played well even by an out-of-the-box Windows Media Player. Attached is the installation script I use and a two pass (Please don't ask me why. It is based on some tutorial of which I don't seem to be able to find the link now and mostly try and error ...) encoding with 8 frames per second (fps). Note that I convert the GIFs to PNG before encoding the movie. I've had problems with using JPEGs from different sources (when including a short introductory part into the movie) which were not present when using PNGs.
I also used mencoder to convert the resulting AVI to FLV which then 
can be embedded in any website together with a free FLV player (like 
this one: http://www.platipus.nl/flvplayer/ ... not sure about the 
license ...). Sometimes that's a good back-up solution which can be 
played on virtually every computer with a recent browser + flash 
player. Think I started here 
http://www.jeremychapman.info/cms/mencoder-avi-to-flv-conversion to 
learn how to do that.

Willi Rath
Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften
FB 1: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik
-Theorie und Modellierung- Gebäude Westufer, Düsternbrooker Weg 20
24105 Kiel, Germany

Phone:  +49 431 - 600 4008
Fax:    +49 431 - 600 4012
Email:  wrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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