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Re: [ferret_users] Reading variables from an ascii file

Hi -
I had just been looking at this.  The assumed ordering of the ascii data is x varying fastest, then y, then t.  You can use an /ORDER qualifier to change this -- see if that helps.


Arturo Avila Rosas wrote:
Hi Ansley,
I am using the following commands but obviously variables are incorrect asigned
DEFINE AXIS/x=262.15:279.15:0.20/units=degree xaxis
DEFINE AXIS/y=18.05:18.05:1/units=degree yaxis
DEFINE AXIS/t="01-JAN-1960:00:00":"31-DEC-1960:23:00":1/Units=hours taxis
DEFINE GRID/x=xaxis/y=yaxis/t=taxis wgrid
FILE/GRID=wgrid/VAR="u10,dir" marino.txt
SAVE/FILE=marino.cdf u10,dir
plot/t=1-JAN-1960 u10
list/T="1-JAN-1960:01:00" u10
Any idea?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] Reading variables from an ascii file

Hiya Ansley,
This is a sample of what I want to read:
TIME SERIES OF INTEGRATED PARAMETERS AT EstGME-50-01         LAT. =   18.05000 LONG. =  271.94998
 |----- DATE ----|-------- WIND ----------
 |--------------- WAVES -----------------
 |--------------- WINDSEA ---------------
 |--------------- SWELL ----------------|
                  U10  DIR.  US   CD  TAUW
    HS    TP    TM   TM1   TM2  DIR. SPR.
    HS    TP    TM   TM1   TM2  DIR. SPR.
    HS    TP    TM   TM1   TM2  DIR. SPR.
  YYYYMMDDHHMMSS [M/S][DEG][M/S][1000] [%]
   [M]   [S]   [S]   [S]   [S] [DEG][DEG]
   [M]   [S]   [S]   [S]   [S] [DEG][DEG]
   [M]   [S]   [S]   [S]   [S] [DEG][DEG]
 19600101000000   7.2 278. 0.26 1.34 0.72  0.88  5.73  4.50  3.99  3.64 255.  26.  0.67  4.74  3.68  3.34  3.09 271.  21.  0.58  5.73  5.59  5.38  5.22 236.  19.
 19600101010000   7.2 278. 0.26 1.34 0.72  0.88  5.73  4.50  3.99  3.64 255.  26.  0.67  4.74  3.68  3.34  3.09 271.  21.  0.58  5.73  5.59  5.38  5.22 236.  19.
 19601231230000   7.2 278. 0.26 1.34 0.72  0.88  5.73  4.50  3.99  3.64 255.  26.  0.67  4.74  3.68  3.34  3.09 271.  21.  0.58  5.73  5.59  5.38  5.22 236.  19.
TIME SERIES OF INTEGRATED PARAMETERS AT EstGME-51-01         LAT. =   18.05000 LONG. =  272.1500
 |----- DATE ----|-------- WIND ----------
 |--------------- WAVES -----------------
 |--------------- WINDSEA ---------------
 |--------------- SWELL ----------------|
                  U10  DIR.  US   CD  TAUW
    HS    TP    TM   TM1   TM2  DIR. SPR.
    HS    TP    TM   TM1   TM2  DIR. SPR.
    HS    TP    TM   TM1   TM2  DIR. SPR.
  YYYYMMDDHHMMSS [M/S][DEG][M/S][1000] [%]
   [M]   [S]   [S]   [S]   [S] [DEG][DEG]
   [M]   [S]   [S]   [S]   [S] [DEG][DEG]
   [M]   [S]   [S]   [S]   [S] [DEG][DEG]
 19600101000000   7.2 278. 0.26 1.34 0.72  0.88  5.73  4.50  3.99  3.64 255.  26.  0.67  4.74  3.68  3.34  3.09 271.  21.  0.58  5.73  5.59  5.38  5.22 236.  19.
 19600101010000   7.2 278. 0.26 1.34 0.72  0.88  5.73  4.50  3.99  3.64 255.  26.  0.67  4.74  3.68  3.34  3.09 271.  21.  0.58  5.73  5.59  5.38  5.22 236.  19.
 19601231230000   7.2 278. 0.26 1.34 0.72  0.88  5.73  4.50  3.99  3.64 255.  26.  0.67  4.74  3.68  3.34  3.09 271.  21.  0.58  5.73  5.59  5.38  5.22 236.  19.
I made a C program to get rid off the headers and the date data so I've got an ascii file with only the valuable data
Thanks a bunch
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] Reading variables from an ascii file

Hi Arturo,
We can help you better if you write back and show a sample of what the data look like.  What is in each block of data?


Arturo Avila Rosas wrote:
Dear ferreters,
How do I read an ascii file wich contains anual data from a grid of stations located in the gulf?
Blocks of columns of variables are listed hourly from the first to the last day of the year. This
is done for each station so as to complete with all the stations.

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