since some time ferret delivers the function fill_xy, that is a very
robust nearest neighbour interpolation or extrapolation filler. It was
originally an external function,
but is now statically linked. Unfortunately it fails with large data
sets. Here an example, artificial, just to demonstrate the effect:
use etopo5
! rose 1 is missing where ocean
let rose1 = if rose gt 0 then rose else 1/0
!show the gaps in the area of the Baltic Sea
shade rose1[x=10:30,y=54:70]
! now fill it again, this requires a mask. Here the mask is 1
everywhere, hence each missing point will be potentially filled
let mask = 0*rose +1
let rose2=fill_xy(rose1, mask, 40) ! repeat the filling procedure 40
!and filled
shade rose2[x=10:30,y=54:70]
!and now for a larger area
shade rose2[x=0:50,y=5:70]
/usr/local/bin/ferret: line 13: 25741 Segmentation fault
/linsoft/ferret_v640_64_static/bin/ferret_v64 $*
This happens also with previous versions, with suse-linux 9/10 as well
as with ubuntu
The dynamically linked version 6.4 works well.
Is there any chance to fix this?
Martin Schmidt