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Re: [ferret_users] extracting info from axes
Hi Ansley:
I am able to create labels I want dynamically based on the suggestions you
and Bill made.
Thanks so much for detailed suggestions and examples - they are very helpful.
--- Peng
> Hi Ge Peng,
> Billy's suggestions will all work well. I have some more ideas to add as
> well. The RETURN= keyword will also give you access to information
> about the variable and grid.
> If var is a variable in your dataset, then you can use `var,return= `
> will give you the axis ends in the current context you have set with a
> "set region", and also the units of the variable or the axes. For
> example,
> yes? set region/i=33/j=12/k=5/l=23
> yes? define symbol label_ijkl = \
> `var,return=xstart`, `var,return=ystart`, depth(`var,return=zunits`):,
> `var,return=zstart`, `var,return=tstart`
> yes? show symbol label_ijkl
> You can control the precision of the output by adding a precision
> specifier, for example, `var,RETURN=tstart,precision=3` and you can turn
> the labeling of the longitude and latitude outputs on or off by setting
> or canceling the modes LONG_LABEL and LATIT_LABEL.
> The functions TAX* also give you ways to return a date string,
> yes? show function TAX*
> Ansley
> William.S.Kessler wrote:
>> Hi Ge Peng -
>> Any quantity that is written on a default plot is available as a symbol.
>> For example, if you:
>> plot/i=242/j=14/k=22/l=8 varname
>> The plot and title will contain the information you want (perhaps in
>> the upper left corner, or in the title below the plot).
>> AFTER making such a plot, these symbols will be found by:
>> yes? ppl listsym
>> These symbols will generally be numbered lab4, lab5, lab6, ....
>> (lab1,2,3 are the standard Ferret info that appears in the upper right
>> corner of the plot).
>> You can write these in subsequent plots as follows:
>> label xpos ypos center angle size ($lab4)
>> And, you can get fancier by noticing that these label numbers are
>> flagged by other symbols in the list. You don't have to do that long
>> listing every time. For example, the label for the plot longitude (if
>> it is relevant) is flagged by the symbol labnum_x. So, you can always
>> write the longitude by:
>> label xpos ypos center angle size ($lab($labnum_x))
>> In addition to the location identifiers, there are also the labels for
>> the dataset (flagged by labnum_dset) and others as appropriate.
>> The one rule to remember is that these symbols are defined ONLY AS THE
>> PLOT IS DRAWN. You MUST make a standard plot (without /NOLABEL) to
>> define them before you can use them.
>> Billy K
>> On 18/02/2009, at 4:19 PM, Ge Peng wrote:
>>> Hi Ferret Users,
>>> Apology if this request is too elementary.
>>> I would like to extract grid info from a data set for the purpose of
>>> labeling. For example, for a given region/i=242/j=14/k=22/l=8, I have
>>> the
>>> lon, lat, z, and time as follows:
>>> yes? list x[gx=xt_ocean]
>>> axis XT_OCEAN
>>> LONGITUDE: 38.5W(-38.5)
>>> -38.50
>>> yes? list y[gy=yt_ocean]
>>> axis YT_OCEAN
>>> LATITUDE : 68.5S
>>> -68.50
>>> yes? list z[gz=zt_ocean]
>>> axis ZT_OCEAN
>>> DEPTH (m): 215
>>> 215.0
>>> yes? list t[gt=TIME]
>>> axis TIME
>>> TIME : 07-FEB-1999 12:00 JULIAN
>>> 2228.
>>> I would like to define a label, which should be something like
>>> "38.5W, 68.5S, DEPTH (m): 215, 07-FEB-1999"
>>> Of cause, it will be different for a different region if I change
>>> i,j,k,
>>> or l values.
>>> Is it a way to create the label dynamically?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --- Peng
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