Hi all, Can't find this in the documentation or email group.... I have a time series of monthly mean data (Dec 1978-Dec 2005) on pressure (z) and latitude (y) axes. I would like to be able to do a 2D plot of lat vs time that shows the linear trend for each month. I see that using the regresst tool produces a trend for the whole time series, so is there a way to do it for each month individually? The only way I thought was to load in a time series of each month individually, do the regression, output to a file, combine 12 files using NCO, then re-read back into ferret to do the plotting - there's got to be a simpler way I guess!? Thanks for any help, Paul ----- Paul Young Chemistry and Climate Processes Chemical Sciences Division NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 325 Broadway R/CSD8 Boulder CO 80305-3328 USA Tel: +1 303-497-4711 Fax: +1 303-497-5686 Email: paul.j.young@xxxxxxxx |