Hi all! I'm using the script dynamic_height.jnl with the following definitions: currently SET data sets: 1> ./sal_2008_247_00.nc name title I J K L SAL SAL 1:369 1:401 1:132 1:1 2> ./temp08_247_00.nc (default) name title I J K L Temp temp 1:369 1:401 1:132 1:1 yes? sho grid SAL[d=1] GRID GII1 name axis # pts start end LON LONGITUDE 369mi 59.77W(-59.77) 29.103W(-29.103) LAT LATITUDE 401 i 39.88S 10.168S TEMPZ DEPTH (m) 132 i- 0 5600 MT TIME 1 r 03-SEP-2008 00:00 03-SEP-2008 00:00 yes? let DYN_S = SAL[D=1] yes? let DYN_T = Temp[D=2] yes? let DYN_P = Z[G=Temp[D=2]] yes? SET REGION/Z=0:1000 yes? go dynamic_height.jnl ================================================================= cancel mode verify ! defining dynamic height terms *** INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Use LET to define three variables: dyn_S - your salinity (PPT/1000 - 1) dyn_T - your temperature (degrees C) dyn_P - your pressure (millibars) (or depth in meters) note: if you use "Z" for pressure use the G= syntax e.g. Z[G=TEMP] so that FERRET knows which Z axis to use 2) Use the SET REGION command to specify the depth of zero motion e.g. SET REGION/Z=0:1000 to set 1000 meters as the zero motion depth 3) Results will be available as the following LET variables: Result XY plane XZ or YZ plane --------- -------- -------------- Dynamic height (dynamic cm) DYN_HT DYN_HTz Geostriphic velocity(cm/sec) GEO_U,GEO_V GEO_Uz,GEO_Vz 4) Examples: yes? CONTOUR/X=160e:160w/y=10s:10n DYN_HT <-- in the XY plane or yes? CONTOUR/X=180/Y=10S:10n DYN_HTz <-- in the YZ plane The difference in dynamic height between two depths (pressure levels) may be expressed as e.g. z=500m to 1000m --> DYN_HT[Z=500:1000] ========================================================================== But when I type the command below I have an error yes? CONTOUR/X=-36/Y=-30:-23 DYN_HTz *** NOTE: Ambiguous coordinates on Z axis: 1/RHO_UN(DYN_S,DYN_T,DYN_P) - 1/RHO_UN(35,0,DYN_P) *** NOTE: Ambiguous coordinates on Z axis: 1E5 * DYN_MASK * (SVANOM[Z=@DIN]-SVANOM[Z=@IIN]) **ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: must be a 2D region CONTOUR/X=-36/Y=-30:-23 DYN_HTz Does anyone know what is wrong ? Thanks Jean Notícias direto do New York Times, gols do Lance, videocassetadas e muitos outros vídeos no MSN Videos! Confira já! |