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[ferret_users] Is TIME a reserved word?

Dear Ferreters,
I need to write a NetCDF using an axis name of "TIME".  Ferret is not doing the gridding, nor reporting an error when I define an axis named TIME:

! Load a 10-minute sample data set
USE "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200810/m1_metsys_20081008_original.nc";
DEFINE AXIS/T="08-Oct-2008 20:30:00":"18-Nov-2008 21:30:00":3600/T0="01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"/UNITS=seconds TIME
set region/t=11-nov-2008:"11-nov-2008 02:00"
list AirTemperature

VARIABLE : Air Temperature (deg C)
             DATA SET : Mooring M1 Metsys data from MBARI at original sampling intervals
             FILENAME : m1_metsys_20081008_original.nc
             FILEPATH : http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200810/
             SUBSET   : 12 points (TIME)
             LONGITUDE: 122W(-122)
             LATITUDE : 36.8N
             DEPTH (m): -2.5
 11-NOV-2008 00:00:10 / 4598:  12.07
 11-NOV-2008 00:10:08 / 4599:  12.03
 11-NOV-2008 00:20:10 / 4600:  11.94
 11-NOV-2008 00:30:10 / 4601:  11.97
 11-NOV-2008 00:40:09 / 4602:  11.99
 11-NOV-2008 00:50:10 / 4603:  11.94
 11-NOV-2008 01:00:10 / 4604:  11.95
 11-NOV-2008 01:10:08 / 4605:  11.95
 11-NOV-2008 01:20:10 / 4606:  11.96
 11-NOV-2008 01:30:10 / 4607:  11.90
 11-NOV-2008 01:40:09 / 4608:  11.98
 11-NOV-2008 01:50:11 / 4609:  11.91

list AirTemperature[gt=time@AVE]		! Listing shows data at original 10-minute sampling interval

             VARIABLE : Air Temperature (deg C)
                        regrid: ARRAYTYPE
             DATA SET : Mooring M1 Metsys data from MBARI at original sampling intervals
             FILENAME : m1_metsys_20081008_original.nc
             FILEPATH : http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200810/
             SUBSET   : 12 points (TIME)
             LONGITUDE: 122W(-122)
             LATITUDE : 36.8N
             DEPTH (m): -2.5
 11-NOV-2008 00:00:10 / 4598:  12.07
 11-NOV-2008 00:10:08 / 4599:  12.03
 11-NOV-2008 00:20:10 / 4600:  11.94
 11-NOV-2008 00:30:10 / 4601:  11.97
 11-NOV-2008 00:40:09 / 4602:  11.99
 11-NOV-2008 00:50:10 / 4603:  11.94
 11-NOV-2008 01:00:10 / 4604:  11.95
 11-NOV-2008 01:10:08 / 4605:  11.95
 11-NOV-2008 01:20:10 / 4606:  11.96
 11-NOV-2008 01:30:10 / 4607:  11.90
 11-NOV-2008 01:40:09 / 4608:  11.98
 11-NOV-2008 01:50:11 / 4609:  11.91

If I name the T axis something other than "TIME" the gridding does work:
DEFINE AXIS/T="08-Oct-2008 20:30:00":"18-Nov-2008 21:30:00":3600/T0="01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"/UNITS=seconds TIME60

list AirTemperature[gt=time60@AVE]		! Listing shows data properly gridded at 60-minute intervals

             VARIABLE : Air Temperature (deg C)
                        regrid: 3600 sec on T@AVE
             DATA SET : Mooring M1 Metsys data from MBARI at original sampling intervals
             FILENAME : m1_metsys_20081008_original.nc
             FILEPATH : http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200810/
             SUBSET   : 2 points (TIME)
             LONGITUDE: 122W(-122)
             LATITUDE : 36.8N
             DEPTH (m): -2.5
 11-NOV-2008 00:30 / 797:  11.98
 11-NOV-2008 01:30 / 798:  11.94

I did not see that "TIME" listed as a reserved word in the FAQ:
I can use ncrename(1) to rename the axis after Ferret writes the file, but I thought I'd report this behavior.

Mike McCann
Software Engineer
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644
Voice: 831.775.1769  Fax: 831.775.1736 http://www.mbari.org 

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