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Re: [ferret_users] set calendar attribute ad hoc

Hi Ansley,

Thanks for the workaround. It works fine as long as I use the following command instead of the original:

define axis/t/units=days/t0="1-jan-1850:00:00" `tauu,return=taxis` = time

t[gt=time] returns indices, not values.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Ansley Manke <Ansley.B.Manke@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi David,
Thanks for writing. First, we should add PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN as one of the calendars Ferret recognizes, as the default calendar Ferret uses IS a Proleptic Gregorian calendar!

Unfortunately, the way Ferret currently treats this calendar, we can't fix up the axis quite as simply as you suggest, but we can do it. When Ferret reads in the header of  the file, it saves the attributes of the coordinate variable TIME, and we can use these to redefine the axis correctly.

yes? sh att/all (time)
     attributes for dataset: http://esgcet.llnl.gov/cgi-bin/dap-cgi.py/ipcc4/20c3m/giss_aom/pcmdi.ipcc4.giss_aom.20c3m.run1.atm.mo.xml
 (time).units = DAYS since 1-JAN-1850:00:00
 (time).bounds = time_bnds
 (time).orig_file_axname = time
 (time).time_origin = 1-JAN-1850:00:00

yes?  define axis/t/units=days/t0="1-jan-1850:00:00" `tauu,return=taxis` = t[gt=time]

yes? sh grid tauu

 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 LON       LONGITUDE           90mr   2E                   2W
 LAT       LATITUDE            60 r   88.5S                88.5N
 normal    Z
 TIME      TIME              1812 r   02-JAN-1850 00:00    18-DEC-1854 00:00

Now, notice that when we say the time origin is 'days since 1-jan-1850', then the first time step of 1 represents 2-jan-1850. If you think that the intent was for the first step to be on 1-jan-1850, then you could use (t[gt=time]-1) in the right hand side of the definition above.

David Wang wrote:
Hi Ferreters,

I was accessing a remote opendap dataset whose calendar attribute is not compatible with Ferret (PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN). I was trying to set the calendar attribute ad hoc by using SET AXIS/CALENDAR but with no luck. Before going ahead with manually defining a new time axis, I wonder if there is a quick and dirty trick for this. Here is an illustrative example:

yes? use "http://esgcet.llnl.gov/cgi-bin/dap-cgi.py/ipcc4/20c3m/giss_aom/pcmdi.ipcc4.giss_aom.20c3m.run1.atm.mo.xml"
 *** NOTE: calendar attribute on axis "TIME" is not recognized: PROLEPTIC_GREGORIAN
 *** NOTE: Valid calendars are GREGORIAN NOLEAP    JULIAN    360_DAY   ALL_LEAP
 *** NOTE: A dummy axis of subscripts will be used
 *** NOTE: Units on axis "plev" are not recognized: Pa
 *** NOTE: They will not be convertible:
 *** NOTE: netCDF bounds variable definition error
 *** NOTE: Bounds "lat_bnds" must be 2x dimension of lat_59
 *** NOTE: Ignoring BOUNDS attribute
 *** NOTE: unsupported ordering of axes in variable lon_bnds_180
 *** NOTE: The default ordering will be used

yes? set axis/calendar=gregorian `tauu,return=taxis`
 !-> set axis/calendar=gregorian TIME
yes? show grid tauu
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 LON       LONGITUDE           90mr   2E                   2W
 LAT       LATITUDE            60 r   88.5S                88.5N
 normal    Z
 time      T                 1812 r   1                    1812


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