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Re: [ferret_users] odd number of centered colour levels

Hey Hein,
here is the light_centered.spk file:
0     0  100  100
30   20   20  100
50  100  100  100
70  100   20   20
100 100  100    0
Centered palette means you should choose odd number of levels to get a center color which is a white now. I dont know how it looked like and how it was possible to choose odd numbers for centered palette.
You can also change your palette file to this or change something at the "/levels" which is your second file.

0     0  100  100
30   20   20  100
45  100  100  100
55  100  100  100
70  100   20   20
100 100  100    0

Peter Szabo

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Hein Zelle <hein@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear ferret developers/users,

since a couple of ferret versions I've found that one of my favourite
plot tricks doesn't work anymore: plotting anomalies with palette
light_centered and an odd number of centered levels:

use etopo60
palette light_centered
fill /levels=21c rose

this used to give me an odd number of levels, approximately 31.  In
later versions it seems to result in an even number of levels, see the
attached plot.  I want that center level to be white for difference
plots, so that default is not OK.  The second attached plot shows how
I would like it to look.

Of course it's possible to force ferret to use an odd number of levels
by specifying them manually, but the automatic behaviour was very
practical.  Is it possible to bring this back, somehow?

Kind regards,
    Hein Zelle


 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxxx

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