Hi Peng, This is a bug. I looked more closely at the commands you're using, and did some experiments of my own, and it seems that the /VLIM=40:0:2 which you have used to reverse the vertical axis is what is causing the SHADE command in gif mode to go wrong. I think this goes all the way back to 2003, when we implemented a new method of drawing SHADE plots in gif mode (http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/FERRET_17sep07/Documentation/Release_Notes/v553.html#cellarray) . ferret -gifthe output shows what you reported - a blank rectangle and a colorbar. In the meantime, while we work on this, a workaround is to draw the plot a second time; an overlay plot is not done with the cellarray call that's used for gif mode. ferret -gif Ansley Ge Peng wrote: Hi Peng, We need more information to find out what's happening. If possible, could you construct an example of the problem that uses data that's part of the Ferret distribution, or is available via opendap? Also, what version of Ferret are you running and on what platform? If you run Ferret in standard, non-gif mode, are the image files by frame/file=name.gif correct? AnsleyHi Ansley, Thanks for your reply. I am running ferret v6 on unix: % ferret NOAA/PMEL TMAP FERRET v6 Linux(g77) 2.4.21-32 - 08/23/06 8-Sep-08 14:00 yes? The image files by frame/file=name.gif are actually correct when running Ferret in standard, non-gif mode. This is very interesting as in the past, I seem to have more problems when trying to generate gif files in the non-gif mode. --- PengGe Peng wrote:Hi, I am trying to create gif files using the ferret script at the bottom of this message. Figures looked fine in the normal ferret mode on my computer screen with frame commands commented out. However, I only got picture frames without color filled contours in the gif files using ferret -gif (see the attached fig). Does any one know what is going on? Thanks a lot, --- Peng ---------------------------------------- cancel data/all cancel sym/all cancel region/all define symb dpath_in=/seal1/gpeng/mom4_trip_sim/dta/dynamicMode define symb runid=temp_anom_jmax_check_mom4_trip define symb runid2=salt_anom_jmax_check_mom4_trip define symb dpath_out=/seal1/gpeng/mom4_trip_sim/fig/dynamicMode use "($dpath_in)/ts_kmu_check_mom4_trip.nc" set region/j=410 sp rm -f ($dpath_out)/($runid).gif sp rm -f ($dpath_out)/($runid2).gif let ocean_t = if (temp_t gt -99.9) then 1 else 0 let ocean_u = if (temp_u gt -99.9) then 1 else 0 let temp_t_ocn = temp_t*ocean_t let temp_t_anom =temp_t_ocn - temp_t_ocn[i=@ave] let temp_u_ocn = temp_u*ocean_u let temp_u_anom =temp_u_ocn - temp_u_ocn[i=@ave] let salt_t_ocn = salt_t*ocean_t let salt_t_anom =salt_t_ocn - salt_t_ocn[i=@ave] let salt_u_ocn = salt_u*ocean_u let salt_u_anom =salt_u_ocn - salt_u_ocn[i=@ave] cancel viewport ul ll ur lr define viewport/xlimits=0.03,0.49/ylim=0.53,0.97 ul define viewport/xlimits=0.03,0.49/ylim=0.03,0.49 ll define viewport/xlimits=0.53,0.97/ylim=0.53,0.97 ur define viewport/xlimits=0.53,0.97/ylim=0.03,0.49 lr set viewport ul shad/vlimits=40:0:2 temp_t_ocn set viewport ur shad/vlimits=40:0:2 temp_u_ocn set viewport ll shad/vlimits=40:0:2 temp_t_anom set viewport lr shad/vlimits=40:0:2 temp_u_anom frame/file="($dpath_out)/($runid).gif" cancel viewport ul ll ur lr define viewport/xlimits=0.03,0.49/ylim=0.53,0.97 ul define viewport/xlimits=0.03,0.49/ylim=0.03,0.49 ll define viewport/xlimits=0.53,0.97/ylim=0.53,0.97 ur define viewport/xlimits=0.53,0.97/ylim=0.03,0.49 lr set viewport ul shad/vlimits=40:0:2 salt_t_ocn set viewport ur shad/vlimits=40:0:2 salt_u_ocn set viewport ll shad/vlimits=40:0:2 salt_t_anom set viewport lr shad/vlimits=40:0:2 salt_u_anom frame/file="($dpath_out)/($runid2).gif" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |