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Re: [ferret_users] SRTM Data with Ferret
Hi Ansley and Mike,
Thaks for your help, specially by the simplicity of the provided script.
It worked fine to access SRTM data and I could generate some netCDF files.
However, the "/apped" qualifier do not worked to append side-by-side slabs. I wrote a shell script to
run Mike's load_SRTM.jnl over all .hgt files and got the following error message, starting at the second file:
LISTing to file cearatopo.cdf
**TMAP ERR: error in line definition
file coords dont match variable coords on axis LONGITUDE
LIST/FORMAT=CDF/file="cearatopo.cdf"/append hgt
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
STOP -script mode, ERROR RUNNING SCRIPT statement executed
I understand it occurs because /append qualifier tries to append data along a time axis. Search into documentation I found
Example 4—multiple slabs
Following that, I'll try some effort to write a Ferret script that defines a horizontal grid based on file names.
Obviously I would like to use a easiest way to generate one NetCDF file from many .ght SRTM data files.
2008/1/16, mike mahoney <
I forgot to CC this response to the list. It may be of
some use if others are interested in the SRTM data.
Hello Paulo
I have used the 3 arc-second SRTM data. I have attached a journal
file I use to convert the data to netcdf.
I believe the format is the same as the SRTM30 which is a simple 16 bit
signed integer raster file of the data on a regular lat/long grid.
The document "srtm30_documentation.pdf" (from the ftp site) gives
There are some differences for which you will need to change the script.
The file name is made up from the lower left co-ordinates for the 3
arc-sec data (my script uses this) whereas the upper left corner is used
for the 30 arc-second files. The missing data value is -32768 for 3 a-s
and -9999 for 30 a-s and the file extension is "hgt" instead of "dem".
I have now modified the script (load_SRTM30.jnl) and tested it on two
of the 30arc-second files and it seems to work.
Hope it is of some use
On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 16:47 -0300, Paulo Henrique wrote:
> Hi Ferreters,
> Is there any way to use SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data
> with Ferret?
> More information at http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/
> The data is available at
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Ms. Paulo Henrique Santiago de Maria
> Grupo de Modelagem Atmosférica
> Departamento de Meteorologia e Oceanografia
> Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos
> Av. Rui Barbosa 1246 - CEP 60115-221
> Fortaleza, Ceará
> Fone: (85) 3101-1106 / 3101-1126
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Ms. Paulo Henrique Santiago de Maria
Grupo de Modelagem Atmosférica
Departamento de Meteorologia e Oceanografia
Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos
Av. Rui Barbosa 1246 - CEP 60115-221
Fortaleza, Ceará
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